State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins speaks at Barnard College...

State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins speaks at Barnard College in Manhattan on Jan. 7. Credit: AP / Kathy Willens

It broke my heart to see a photo of State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins smiling about passage of legislation for killing the unborn [“Abortion rights grow,” News, Jan. 23]. This is truly a sad day for the once proud State of New York.

I hope that President Donald Trump cuts off all aid to New York and stands his ground for the unborn. How can anyone believe that once a heart is beating, it’s OK to stop it, and it’s not called murder?

We give Narcan to a drug addict who has overdosed by his or her own doing to save a life, but do nothing for the unborn child who can’t fight for himself or herself. I hope that those who voted yes for this never sleep at night again.

Gerard Boettcher, West Hempstead

It was embarrassing that New York State’s 50-year-old law on abortion was so far out of date, and that a dozen years of efforts to change it fell by the wayside. I’m pleased that New York has reclaimed its place in the forefront of women’s rights by passing the Reproductive Health Act.

The act takes abortion from the criminal code to the public health arena, where it belongs. The days of back-alley abortions are past, and will stay there. The act assures the safety and privacy of women’s health care.

I’m old enough to remember when women from other states had to travel to New York for this essential service. If the current administration in Washington has its way, we may see that day again. New York must continue to be there for women, both our own citizens and women across the United States.

P. Rebecca Maines, Baldwin

Editor’s note: The writer is a volunteer for Planned Parenthood of Nassau County.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law the Reproductive Health Act, and hastily took a juvenile statewide victory lap. This included directing that the top of One World Trade Center be lit in pink to mark both the signing of the law and the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

One World Trade Center towers over the 9/11 Memorial. It’s a 1,776-foot tall symbol of our nation’s unity and resilience. To Cuomo, it evidently is little more than a poster board to flaunt his controversial legislative achievements. Included on the memorial is recognition of 11 unborn babies who were murdered in the attacks on that fateful day. It is reprehensible that Cuomo thinks it’s acceptable to celebrate abortion at a site that is not only supposed to be a symbol of national unity but also a somber commemoration of the victims of 9/11, including unborn children.

New Yorkers deserve a sincere apology from the governor for his disgraceful choice to bring a divisive issue like abortion to Ground Zero. As a symbol of New York’s darkest day, One World Trade Center doesn’t belong to Cuomo; it belongs to all of us.

Sean Calabria, Seaford

Self-annointed preacher Andrew M. Cuomo attempts to teach us about “an extreme conservative agenda in Washington.” He was speaking earlier this month about Republican senators and the Trump administration. “It’s their morality,” he said. “It’s their interpretation of religion. It’s their interpretation of ethics.”

Cuomo talks about a woman’s right to an abortion but says nothing about a fetus’ right to life. Possibly he cares only about humans big enough to vote in his lifetime.

James Gough, New Hyde Park



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