Newsday letters to the editor for Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018
A closer look at a candidate’s support
The Democratic candidate for the 12th Assembly District, Michael Marcantonio, boasts that he far outraised his Republican opponent, with $107,000 collected for his campaign in a recent period [“GOP pol sues to get foe off ballot,” News, Aug. 1]. Marcantonio is correct, but perhaps it isn’t because the people in the 12th are clamoring for his victory.
What is not explained is that one of his contributors who lives in the 12th Assembly District was his mother, with a $22,377 contribution. And most of his other contributions came from a handful of people who list addresses in Manhattan and other points far from the 12th Assembly District.
One must ask, why are people so concerned about the candidate elected in a district where they likely cannot vote? I assume those outside contributors want another friend in Albany, so it is worth the investment. Is there another reason for the sudden outside interest that Marcantonio should explain to the voters?
Dan Martin,Babylon
Editor’s Note: Martin is a former GOP candidate for Babylon Town supervisor.
Police should enforce immigration law
After reading the July 13 news story “Brass: Suffolk police, ICE have different roles” — in which the police and county legislators seemed to be greatly concerned with reassuring immigrants here illegally and their supporters — I had to wonder what other laws can be broken with impunity.
Chief of Department Stuart Cameron said it could harm public safety if Suffolk police inquire about immigration status. But what about the possibility of Americans being harmed by immigrants who are here illegally? How is this not the primary concern for Democrats like County Legis. Monica Martinez of Brentwood, whose area is a focal point of gang activity and who was upset by killings of two teenage girls in Brentwood in 2016 by MS-13?
I would like to know how many immigrants who entered the country illegally and settled in Suffolk as “unaccompanied minors” were involved in the area’s two dozen gang killings over two years. We were vaguely told that about half those arrested for these killings entered the country illegally.
Most important, how do taxpayers know that any of these killers weren’t stopped by Suffolk police and released because they and county lawmakers appear to be more concerned with reassuring immigrants who are here illegally than securing public safety? I certainly don’t feel safer because of this policy.
Anthony Johnson Sr.,Brentwood
This country is divided over the issue of immigration. Many are outraged by the sheer number of people entering the country illegally. Others are equally outraged by the cruel deportations and family separations.
Surely, this can be healed. There should be a price to pay for the crime of entering our country without permission, but the punishment should fit. Deportation should be left for those who are recurring violent criminals. Hardworking people who came illegally should be forced to pay a fine, and then required to take a citizenship class and pass the citizenship test, which they shall pay for. If these conditions are not met, deportation would be the punishment. Restitution should be made for social services these immigrants received before gaining full citizenship if those services were obtained using phony identification or Social Security numbers.
Finally, if possible to determine, unpaid income taxes should be prosecuted under the penalties stipulated in IRS regulations.
Let’s stop ripping our country apart by taking extreme positions. Use common sense.
Dave Setteducati,Smithtown
Hit reset button on presidential powers
Thank you for Ted R. Bromund’s insightful column about our forefathers’ intentions [“Crack down on presidential power,” Opinion, July 22]. What we have now is an aberration of a balance of powers for the three branches of government. This Congress appears to have abdicated its powers to this president.
I call for a bipartisan convention of historical and constitutional scholars to make recommendations to redefine the powers of the executive branch. At the least, I suggest a limitation on executive orders that attempt to reverse national policies already in place without congressional approval. The president should not be allowed to change or abridge previously approved national agencies, programs or regulations that have been approved by Congress.
We need respected scholars and think tanks to fix our executive branch, because it is broken.
Lucille Cordero Protosow,Mount Sinai
The way to resolve hot-button issues such as immigration, abortion, etc., is to put them to a public vote! Make it mandatory to vote and make the result a mandate as well. Right now, we are all being ruled by the vocal minority, when most of us do not agree with “them.”
We must take back our democracy with direct democracy. No more leaving it in the hands of a politically active few and an easily bought legislature.
Gloria Mason,Lindenhurst