New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks at a vaccination site...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks at a vaccination site on Monday in New York. Credit: AP/Seth Wenig

While the intent of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s alleged behavior toward women is open to speculation, I believe intent is irrelevant in this situation because as a father, public official and an attorney schooled in ethics, he must know what is right and what is creepy, and hold himself to a higher standard ["Calls for resignation mount," News, March 8]. Would Cuomo want his daughters, my daughter, or anyone’s daughters, subjected to inappropriate touching or sexual comments? Does Cuomo forget the behavior of former Rep. Anthony Weiner and others? As the secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during former President Bill Clinton’s administration, Cuomo had a front-row seat for inappropriate behavior. To me, hiding behind intent, on a subject that should not have any "gray areas," is cowardly. Cuomo had to know and, in my view, has to go.

James Fitzpatrick,

Kings Park

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo allegedly acted like a fool and spoke inappropriately to those women. But we have two Supreme Court justices sitting on the bench for life who were accused of similar actions and yet they were approved by the U.S. Senate. I don’t think Cuomo should resign, and I suggest he finish his term and run again. I would much prefer Cuomo over Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-Shirley), a most fervent supporter of former President Donald Trump, another man accused of treating women improperly, yet he was elected president.

Ellen R. Szuchmacher,


The easiest way to judge Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo might be to determine how he would respond if his 25-year-old daughter came home and told him that her boss, for argument’s sake, a 63-year-old powerful guy, asked her if she was open to relationships with older men. I’m not sure he would tell her that her boss was simply trying to be a mentor and meant no harm. As to his claim that he never touched any woman inappropriately (and ignoring the accuser who said he kissed her), is grabbing a woman you’ve just met by the head and asking to kiss her OK? Just a common greeting? Please, governor, don’t embarrass yourself any more than you already have.

Chris Marzuk,


I am glad Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo says he won’t resign. We need the strong leadership he demonstrated this past difficult year. I find it frightening that Trumpers like Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-Shirley) are ready to pounce, taking advantage of a possibly weakened governor ["Zeldin exploring run for governor," News, March 3].

Trude Hassberg,


Comparing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo to former President Donald Trump, I don’t recall a single instance of Trump committing any sexual impropriety while president (no doubt there was much to criticize before then), a clear distinction compared to former Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton, all Democrats, who used the Secret Service to clear the way for their various dalliances. As for calls for Cuomo’s resignation, novelist Upton Sinclair once observed: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it."

Leonard J. Marino,


At his March 3 news conference, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, as usual, performed magnificently with his response to queries about his sexual harassment accusations. For a 63-year-old, he danced around his actions quite gingerly. Now, will his whimpering, apologetic performance qualify him for consideration for another Emmy? I hope so because he earned it.

Bob Kersch,

Great River

I believe it’s very telling that out of the eight letters you chose to print about Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, none had mentioned nursing home deaths. That, to me, is clearly a bigger story than his alleged narcissistic behavior of sexual harassment toward women, and protects the Democratic governor by publishing fewer letters on nursing homes.

Bill Mahoney,



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