Derek Brown, owner of the Columbia Room cocktail lounge, and...

Derek Brown, owner of the Columbia Room cocktail lounge, and others  lay plates on the Capitol lawn on Monday to protest Congress' inaction on a coronavirus relief package for restaurants. Credit: The Washington Post/Michael Robinson Chavez

While we sit around waiting for our Congress, governors, and mayors to allow us to make a living, I think our approach has been all wrong ["House caucus aims to lead," News, Dec. 8]. Doesn’t our hard-earned tax money pay their salaries? I suggest the solution would be for citizens to demand that their income be withheld until ours is restored. I am confident there would be a quick accommodation.

Myra Sherr,


Our country needs term limits

Having read the Dec. 1 editorial "GOP foolishness on vote outcome" and Leonard Pitts Jr.’s opinion column "Give them something to howl about," while I do not agree with the tone of either piece, I only ask the writers to ask themselves this question: "If President Donald Trump were a Democrat and acted as they depict he has, or is acting, would I be reading these pieces?" I think not. I’d say Pitts probably has failed to criticize Democrats, from the day Trump was elected, of ignoring the governance of the country and solely doing everything to get back the presidency. While Democrats won the presidency, I believe they have ignored our country’s needs. While Trump has many faults, so do the career politicians in both parties. I, as a registered Democrat, am appalled by the one-pronged focus of the Democrats’ leaders. Let’s start reading about needing congressional term limits for the good of the country. I would hope people who feel our current leadership is tainted would agree, be they Democrats or Republicans.

Howard Ende,


A basic theory of evolution is "survival of the fittest," in which slight variations in our DNA from generation to generation allow some to survive but not others. This instinct to survive is a natural condition that has allowed humanity to evolve from monkey to man. However, it has its drawbacks. In our current political system, that instinct to survive translates to an instinct to stay in office. It has resulted in politicians who will do virtually anything to be reelected. This is illustrated in the deal with the devil that Republican senators have made with President Donald Trump. They support his seemingly illicit attempt to subvert the election results and in return expect his imperial blessing. Right now, Republicans are guilty of this, and next time I believe it will be Democrats. Breaking this cycle requires elimination of the "remain in office" survival benefit. And, to me, the solution is simple — congressional term limits. With limited tenure, there is no survival advantage to support unreasonable causes. In fact, it may result in politicians reverting to the unthinkable — voting their conscience.

Bill Domjan,


Be grateful to those who comply

I do not understand. To all those who are against wearing masks and against getting vaccinated, you should be thankful that the person next to you has a mask on and has been vaccinated for various diseases ["Let’s be adults about COVID-19 spread," Letters, Dec. 7]. Therefore, you are healthier for their actions. You should thank them, not question their beliefs.

Dana Segretto,


Trump actually is retiring early

Imagine if I were about to retire in two months. Wouldn’t my employer — or any employer — expect me to work up until my day of retirement? What is our president doing as he awaits his retirement date of Jan. 20? Is he doing anything but playing golf, lying boldly to the people he has "served" about the election, and ignoring the effects of one of the most terrible tragedies in American history, this pandemic? In my opinion, President Donald Trump should be expected to work for his entire term.

Elliot Schwartz,


A plea to regain U.S. greatness

Now that the election is over, I have a wish for the people of our country. It is obvious to me and probably to many of my fellow citizens: Partisanship in politics has become a corrosive and destructive theme in our lives ["More voters opt to be nonaligned," News, Dec. 7]. We have gotten to the point where often calling someone a "Democrat" or "liberal" is meant as a vile insult. Similarly calling someone a "Republican" or a "conservative" is used as a response to the former and often meant as an equally offensive insult. I fly the American flag every day, have done so during the presidency of Donald Trump and will continue throughout the presidency of Joe Biden. I do so to show my belief in the greatness of America and its hope for the future. I do not do so in support of any political party. I am proudly independent and a fervent believer in the greatness of the United States. I only hope that more of our citizens can get back to that in the near future.

Hans Wenze,



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