President Donald Trump points to a reporter for a questions...

President Donald Trump points to a reporter for a questions as he speaks with reporters on the South Lawn of the White House before departing, Friday, July 19, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) Credit: AP/Alex Brandon

Debate rages over Trump’s remarks

The word racism has been given a new definition. With an inability to rationally support their argument, congressional socialists have reverted to accusations of racism against those with opposing views [“House votes to condemn Trump tweets,” News, July 17].

Members of the left have shown no tolerance for opinions contrary to theirs and are quick to play the race card to cover their illogical proposals. In reality, bigotry and racism live in the hearts and minds of those who use them as political swords.

Joe Ruszczyk, Kings Park


Unfortunately, I have to agree that President Donald Trump doesn’t always say things that are politically correct. However, in my opinion, he is a true American who is always trying to make our lives better.

People are protesting how he is handling immigrants at the Southern border, but I must agree with him. If people would like to come to America, let them come in legally, like many of our ancestors. They were trying to better their lives, and when they came here they adopted our laws and formed a love for our great country. I feel sorry for the oppressed but we cannot take care of everyone when there are American citizens deprived of many things.

I have seen many immigrants who come here illegally and refuse to conform. Why should we be responsible for them?

Elaine Rossi, Islip

To those who say to critics of the Trump administration’s policies, “If you’re not happy here, leave,” I say: if you’re not happy living in a democracy where everyone has the constitutional right of free speech, including the right to criticize the government, then seek out a totalitarian regime that aligns with your views and leave.

James A. Clark, Syosset 

I want to go back!

I was born 76 tears ago in East New York, Brooklyn. I want to go back there, to the neighborhood of white/black/Hispanic, Jewish/Catholic, young/old, but mostly American.

We cared for each other as neighbors. We asked each other every day how things were going.

We picked up all fallen garbage whether in front of our home or any others on the block.

We asked each other, every day: “How are you? How is your family?”

Politics existed once every four years. Not every day!

In short, we were America, land of the free and home of the brave.

I am not sure what we are today. What a shame.

Let’s bring it back. Start today with how you act, speak and care about others.

I love the America I grew up in. It’s time to go back.

Jerome Packer, Mount Sinai  

Again, Donald Trump-compliant Reps. Peter King and Lee Zeldin have shown little appetite for promoting America at its best. Our country, the wonderful experiment in self-determination, is moving in a fearsome direction. Reprehensible, vulgar and hateful speech at the highest levels has been normalized by Trump supporters.

The country I have loved for 86 years may not be there for my grandchildren. I worry that we will not wake up until it is too late.

Joan Nelson, Ridge  

Horror of ruling on gerrymandering

It is a horror that the Supreme Court is now saying that the Constitution would allow the officials to choose their voters.

As your editorial says, thereby “rigging the system to create safe seats for one party” [“Supreme Court abdicates on gerrymanders,” June 28].

Aija Blumfelds, New Hyde Park

Sen. Paul’s move on 9/11 fund a joke

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) blocked the funding for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund because it will add to the U.S. debt [“Paul stops vote on 9/11 fund bill,” News, July 18]. What a joke! If he is so concerned about the national debt, perhaps he should question the cost of the weekly presidential trips to Florida and New Jersey to play golf. How many millions of dollars is the American public spending on that?

Dorothy Horsham, Ridge

Wrong decision on New York early voting

Our state officials have dropped the ball by authorizing the spending of $24 million for early voting in New York State [“Nassau, Suffolk to get aid for early voting,” News, June 11].

I believe that those who cannot get to a polling place on election day should simply be given the option of voting by mail in the same way that absentee ballots are handled now. This would allow people to vote early and not cost money the state should be putting toward more important causes.

Fred Snyder, Farmingville


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