New regulations in Huntington restrict the hours and days residents...

New regulations in Huntington restrict the hours and days residents and landscapers can use gas-powered leaf blowers. Credit: Newsday / John Paraskevas

During this time of uncertainty, our elected legislators praise medical and emergency service workers as heroes who safeguard lives, but at the same time fail to enact legislation that would ban commercial gas-powered leaf blowers that may prove a vector for the transmission of COVID-19 [“Officials limit use of gas-powered leaf blowers,” News, April 14].

Such legislation would safeguard residents and landscaping workers — many of whom don’t even wear masks. These leaf blowers are also a cause of noise pollution and discharge debris and toxins into the environment. The Town of Huntington wisely asked residents and landscapers to not use leaf blowers for the sake of public health and safety. Many municipalities, including Sleepy Hollow, Croton-on-Hudson and others, actually prohibit their use during the pandemic. Long Island, though, is more densely populated. When coronavirus cases are surging on Long Island, it’s unbelievable that legislators don’t put people’s health first by banning the use of leaf blowers during this pandemic.

Bruce Levy,


Give me a break — and a job

Responding to Michelle Rorke’s letter “Please, schools, give us all a break” [April 30], I’m sure her job as an educator is more difficult and challenging trying to navigate online learning, but she has one! To the thousands of unemployed people with little hope of regaining their jobs, her plea for a break elicits no sympathy.

Tom Doyle,

Miller Place

Splitting school sessions might work

One way to address Long Island schools’ fall semesters may be split-session schedules. Lindenhurst had split sessions in the early 1960s while building a middle school. If school sports programs are in jeopardy anyway, districts can save money and get back on their feet financially. We know Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is already balking at school aid for next year. This might be an action some school districts could look into.

Robert Ketcham,

East Moriches

Gov giving us too much information

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has turned his daily coronavirus updates into political warfare [“Gov: Decision on schools is likely by next week,” News, April 25].

I see that he criticizes, complains, bullies and blames all who don’t do as he wants. If he really wanted to update state residents, he would just give us new information and not what his grandmother told him, what his daughter is saying, or the status of his brother’s family’s health. Just the facts, and go back to your office. Keep it short.

Virginia Brindisi,

St. James

Stores should have one-way aisles

Retail stores with more than one aisle should make a one-way walking system with no passing so people can avoid each other. Also, there should be no dawdling while shopping so people will move along faster. Shoppers should be aware that others are ahead and/or behind you. Make a list, find your item, and keep moving. This would be more efficient — and much safer.

George W. Synan,


Reopening of golf courses not fair to all

Golf courses are reopening [“Vast majority of golf courses open,” Sports, April 28]. This is great for those who golf. What about the rest of us who do not golf? The government tells the rest of us what we can and cannot do. This does not seem fair. What about people who like to play tennis? Each player is more than six feet away from each other. Eventually, the coronavirus will be a distant memory, but the government will still have trillions of dollars of more debt in a shutdown economy and probably 25 million people unemployed. At least the courses and marinas will be open while the rest of us wait on government to tell us what to do.

Brian McEvoy,

South Hempstead

I belong to a senior golf club on Long Island. Our members either walk or ride when they play. Some play nine holes, some 18. They carry their own bags or use either their own pull cart or rent one when they walk; those who ride rent a power cart. Since we are seniors, some of us are wounded veterans and some are disabled due to sickness or are of advanced age. However, they are capable of enjoying golf even if they can’t walk the course. Since the courses are not allowed now to rent power carts, those who can’t walk cannot play. This is discriminatory.

There is no reason courses cannot rent carts. They can rent power carts for use by one person only and when returned after the round, they would be disinfected. Park personnel can get back to work. Social distances can be followed and revenue generated. For protection at Eisenhower Park (and its driving ranges), where I play, a glass or plastic barrier is already there for handling payments, and gloves and face masks can be worn for protection.

Vic Oliveri,

Williston Park

Patience can lead to a positive outcome

I enjoyed “It’s a bugs life — and now ours, too” [Opinion, April 30], comparing our COVID-19 lives to a bug’s life in a cocoon. It’s good to note that if a person tries to “help” a butterfly out of its cocoon too soon, it dies.

Fostina Silsbe,




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