Nassau County Executive Laura Curran announces a new feature online...

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran announces a new feature online that will allow residents to review their property inventory and make changes to ensure accuracy and fairness during the county wide reassessment with assessor David Moog on Dec. 5, 2018 in Mineola. Credit: Howard Schnapp

I read with great amusement the article regarding the plan by Democrats in the State Legislature to compensate Nassau County homeowners for the tax reassessment [“Plan to aid homeowners,” News, March 13].

I am amused because, as a homeowner who never grieved our taxes, I own a house that I am having trouble selling because of my high taxes. I analyzed figures on 10 neighbors’ houses and found that, although my house is the smallest of the 10, my taxes are as much as twice those of my neighbors.

I do not see the justice in compensating people when those who did not grieve have basically paid for their lower taxes. In essence, the proposed legislation would ask me, and homeowners like me, to again subsidize other homeowners’ taxes. I do not see this as a fair and just resolution to the proposed adjustments.

Lou Nigro,

  Massapequa Park

In pain over attacks in New Zealand

As a 17-year-old Muslim and senior at Syosset High School, I share the pain felt in New Zealand after the shootings that took 50 lives at two mosques [“Terror at mosques in New Zealand,” News, March 16].

The violence filled our hearts with despair. Thankfully, after the shootings, New Zealand neighbors supported surviving Muslims by preparing meals for them, and by paying respects to the victims.

I am grateful to New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who responded to the hate crime with an initiative to restrict guns in her country.

It is essential to spread the concept of love toward all groups. Schools and organizations around the world should take steps to bring about positive changes through education and acceptance of each other. It might require us to evaluate our shortcomings. Personally, I aim to promote peace by practicing my Islamic faith, including saying my prayers in school.

I am grateful to participate in school clubs that allow me to voice my beliefs and bond with members. I will remember the Muslim victims in my prayers and strive for the world to achieve prosperity and tranquility.

Aafia Alladin,



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