Trump's inauguration: What Long Islanders want to hear

President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with the House GOP conference, Nov. 13, 2024, in Washington. Credit: AP
Donald Trump will be inaugurated Monday as the nation’s 47th president. We asked readers to tell us what they would like to hear him say in his second inaugural address. Here are some of your responses. They accurately reflect in sentiment the more than three dozen readers who responded.
Tony Giametta, Oceanside
Now is the time for America to come together again. We can no longer be divided and must reach out to one another. The raging fires that have devastated California and the after-effects of the North Carolina hurricane, that still are causing an upheaval of lives, show us that tragedy does not discriminate by political party, race, wealth, gender or religion. We must begin to heal as a nation so we can move forward with hope for better days.
Bill Toumey, Long Beach
The real me is a nice guy who will put aside all my selfish desires and think only about the welfare of all Americans. I swear on my Bible.
Sandy Cohen, Hauppauge
My fellow Americans, as I take office for the second time, it is my plan to only speak the truth. The concept and words, "alternative facts," will be abolished and forbidden by every member of my administration. My goal in my second term is to build an America For All. America will be a beacon where all people of every race, color, creed and background will be welcomed with open arms. I am also pledging today that NATO will be supported wholeheartedly by me as I believe in the strength of the alliance to support democratic countries such as Ukraine, and I promise to tell Vladimir Putin to end the war immediately!
Ray Boivie, Kings Park
Two of the foundations of the American republic are its citizens' acceptance of the results of free and fair elections and their acceptance of the results of a trial after a jury of one's peers has made its verdict. Perhaps, by my statements, some believe that I accept neither of these two American foundations. Let me be clear: The United States of America is a great nation, chiefly because of our systems of free voting and a trial by a jury of our peers. As your president, I pledge to do my utmost to support both great American foundations. And I encourage you, my fellow Americans, to do the same.
Michael Hunt, Franklin Square
I'm sorry for all my lies and for trying to steal the last election.
Hank Cierski, Port Jefferson Station
I will propose to Congress that the Office of Governmental Transparency be enacted. One Republican and one Democrat would be chosen from Congress by each party to produce regular, timely public reports on inflation and prices, immigration reform progress, and foreign trade policy changes. Our citizenry will thus be informed of how their government is moving to benefit them. The new effort will promote increased trust in our government and unity in the nation, which in turn will lead to legislative effectiveness of which to be proud.
Mitchell Schuman, Brightwaters
My ego kept me from accepting an electoral defeat and inspired an insurrection. Thank you for giving me a second chance.
Jim Kiernan, Holbrook
My fellow Americans, the time for uniting the country is now. America has always been a nation of different ideas on how to make America stronger and better for all Americans. Unfortunately, these differences have evolved into divisions of hostility and resentment. Let’s heed the words of Abraham Lincoln at his 1865 inaugural address: "With malice towards none, with charity for all.’ And let’s work together to heal the wounds of this division. I promise to be a president for all Americans regardless of political affiliations or past transgressions.
Diane Coddington
I, Donald J. Trump, apologize for all the lies I’ve told and promise to tell the truth from now on. I will also show the dignity and class that most Americans expect from their president. I will uphold all aspects of our Constitution and I will, as other presidents have, put all of my businesses into a trust and not do anything that would be a conflict of interest. I will wake up and realize that climate change is real, that women should have control of their own bodies, and that all people should be treated with respect. That’s how I’ll make sure America remains great.