Readers weighed in on granting driver's licenses for immigrants in...

Readers weighed in on granting driver's licenses for immigrants in the country without permission. Credit: iStock

Driving is a privilege, not a right. The March 24 news article “Pushing for driver’s licenses” cited the Siena College poll in March in which 61 percent of New Yorkers oppose granting driver’s licenses for immigrants in the country without permission.

Let voters decide by placing the issue on the ballot in the next election. This would eliminate pandering to certain groups by politicians.

Alan Newman,


Offering a New York State driver’s license to people in the country without authorization defies all logic and would aid and abet an illegal activity. If you are not allowed to be here, how can you be allowed to legally drive here?

Ronald Enners,

  West Babylon

Debate over new pipe for natural gas 

National Grid’s shameful fearmongering about gas supply shortages flies in the face of the facts [“National Grid gas warning,” News, March 28].

We don’t need to increase our reliance on fossil fuels, nor should we. The proposed Williams Transco pipeline would ship fracked gas through New York Bay, endangering our communities and worsening climate change.

The science is clear: We must move away from fossil fuels. By investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy, we can. The Cuomo administration should use its authority to block this dangerous and unnecessary project.

Eric Weltman,


Editor’s note: The writer is an organizer with Food & Water Watch, an advocacy organization.

Environmental groups argue that expansion of fossil fuel-based energy sources would buck a statewide trend toward renewable sources. That “trend” was legislated, mandated and funded by the government.

Do these environmental groups have a viable alternative to natural gas right now? Or are they doing what they do best: making lawyers richer with litigation, making costs greater and delaying progress of gas expansion?

We need gas now and energy suppliers are willing to invest $1 billion. Let them build!

Tommy Gregoretti,


An inspiring medical role model

As a nursing student, I found the feature story “Battling distrust: Surgeon helps black patients have faith in the medical profession” [exploreLI, March 19] relevant to my work with a diverse population at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn.

Although we are taught how to serve patients from backgrounds and cultures different from our own, it was enlightening to read about Dr. Dinee Simpson’s positive impact on African-Americans in Chicago who are organ-transplant candidates.

It is true, as the article says, that many black patients carry an ingrained sense of betrayal based on medical experiments on people like them since slavery. For a health professional, this is very important to acknowledge. I find her story inspirational.

I am a second-generation Chinese-American, and I encounter many patients from Asian backgrounds. Many in this population have their own feelings and beliefs about Western medicine. Some people avoid it because they believe in traditional Eastern medicine that might follow a more holistic approach. Some patients object to surgery or tests that require chemical injections and would rather use herbal supplements and less-invasive methods.

As a Chinese-American, maybe I, too, can bridge the gap and better help my future patients.

Kyle Cobb,

  Port Jefferson

Don’t repeal law on gunmaker immunity

Opinion-page writer Bob Keeler would like to see an act of Congress overturned, and I strongly disagree [“Hold gunmakers accountable,” March 22]. He urges repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005, which, he writes, gives the industry unique immunity from lawsuits.

Apparently, he thinks that manufacturers of lawful products should be held responsible for the criminal misuse of their products. I find that incredible. Criminal violence can be committed with knives, baseball bats, carpenter’s hammers and a host of other inanimate objects. Am I wrong?

James G. Collins,

  Floral Park

Editor’s note: The writer is Long Island director of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association.

Put wind turbines on Staten Island

We don’t need to spend big bucks for offshore wind turbines, which are very costly [“Encouraged by wind power efforts,” Letters, March 19]. Undeveloped areas along Route 440 in Staten Island would be a perfect location for wind turbines. In addition, parts of the nearby closed landfill, which covers 2,200 acres, could be used for solar panels.

Joseph A. Schoenstein,

  Port Jefferson


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