Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and his wife Ann, walk to...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and his wife Ann, walk to their car after attending services at St. John's Episcopal Church, across from the White House, in Washington on March 24, 2019. Credit: AP/Cliff Owen

With what we know at this time, it’s difficult to argue that special counsel Robert Muller’s report is not an exoneration [“No Trump conspiracy with Russia,” News, March 25].

After nearly two years of investigation costing about $25 million, the special counsel did not find that the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russia. According to U.S. attorney general William Barr, the report also does not allege that Trump obstructed justice. This investigation involved 2,800 subpoenas, nearly 500 search warrants, and some 500 witness interviews. Approximately 40 FBI agents were detailed to assist Mueller.

Ask yourself whether, if as president, you were the subject of an investigation of this magnitude, and no criminal conduct were alleged, would you consider yourself to be exonerated? I certainly would.

Edward J. Doughty,

  Blue Point

Now that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report concludes the Trump campaign did not collude or conspire with the Russians to affect the 2016 election, what next? After two years of this investigation, where is the evidence claimed by many Democrats, and will they be held accountable for misleading the country and hindering our government from addressing issues vital to all Americans?

Joe Ruszczyk,

  Kings Park

The release of Attorney General William Barr’s summary is leading many to claim that the report by special counsel Robert Mueller exonerated Donald Trump. This belief is false. On the question of obstruction of justice, Barr’s summary quotes Mueller in saying, “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

It’s crucial to remind ourselves that Mueller’s work led to indictments, convictions or guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies. It’s pertinent to remember the meeting at Trump Tower that included Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and government-connected Russians.

We could cite reasons for guilt or innocence. We can read articles, watch news and listen to experts. But the bottom line is, there was meddling by Russia in the 2016 elections. Whether the Mueller report failed to find evidence to directly tie Trump to the meddling is of little consequence to the reality that it happened. What will stop it from happening again? As Trump buddies up to Vladimir Putin with private meetings, as he continues to sing his own innocence, proclaim a witch hunt and cry no collusion, as he attempts to lift Russian sanctions, it is apparent it won’t be him. I believe he is compromised, regardless of any findings. His words and actions are proof.

Elizabeth Aquino,


After a 22-month investigation, special counsel Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr punt — and dump the question of obstruction of justice on Congress. After 22 months, Mueller gives the ball away! And without personally questioning Donald Trump, Mueller says the president, nor anyone associated with his campaign, conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 election. It’s a catastrophe! I always said, watch out, Mueller is a Republican!

Gus Franza,

  East Setauket

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reaction to Attorney General William Barr’s letter stated that, “Russia’s ongoing efforts to interfere with our democracy are dangerous and disturbing.” President Donald Trump’s reaction was to ask that his political opponents be investigated.

Again, we must ask, What are the president’s priorities? Is it our democracy or his need to be re-elected?

Peter Hanson,


How can an attorney general appointed by President Donald Trump, a man who wrote a memo in June in which he said the obstruction theory was “fatally misconceived,” make the concluding determination as to Trump’s culpability? Trump is a known chronic liar and schemer. The Ten Commandments were written about him. Nobody in this country, especially the president, should be above the law and immune from prosecution, either as a legal matter or political decision. The rule of law and our democracy are in peril.

Howard Mandell,

  East Northport

It is time to stop self-serving politicians and warn them that the needs of our great country come first. Instead of wasting time and money to hurt our president for political purposes, spend your time in Congress figuring out the best courses of action for our economy, foreign affairs, immigration, etc. Let those in Congress know that we stand united as a people, and we will back the president when he proposes that which is obviously good for America and its people.

Milton Brody,

  East Hills

More than anything else I wish both parties would stop trying to get some dirt on each other and focus on moving America forward. Unfortunately, some people think it was worth $25 million to put Paul Manafort and a few other people in jail, not that they don’t deserve it. Wouldn’t that money have been better spent and be much more beneficial to America if it had been used to eradicate the importation of heroin into America?

John Poulos,


I am ecstatic, first and foremost for our country. The report essentially concludes that a sitting president did not collude with a foreign power to sway a democratic election.

Yes, some indictments were handed out and some people will go to jail, but I think if you dug into any election that occurred after World War II, there would be indictments. Politics is dirty business. Unfortunately, many potential candidates of both parties are gun-shy to seek higher office because of the dirty side and what may be lurking in their pasts, as benign as it may be.

Charlie Smith,

  West Islip


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