Members of the Nassau County Police Department's Mounted Unit in...

Members of the Nassau County Police Department's Mounted Unit in 2021.

Credit: Howard Schnapp

Forgive student debt and hurt democracy

The Bible parable of individuals working less and getting paid the same has no bearing on paying off others’ student debts by taxpayers who never went to college [“Who’s accountable for students’ debt?”, Letters, Sept. 27]. How does the government paying off these debts teach our youth about their responsibility to follow through on their contractual promise to pay?

It’s this type of thought process that many liberals embrace, and it is destroying our democracy.

— Lawrence Harkavy, St. James

The letter referencing a parable is flawed. The vineyard owner who hired a group of men paid them with his own money. That was his business and no one else’s. Student debt forgiveness would come from taxpayers’ money. That was not a valid comparison.

— Geraldine T. Quinn-Lapping, Smithtown

GOP’s demands for cuts are insensitive

I can’t believe the insensitive mindset of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives [“Congress in crisis mode with shutdown looming,” Nation, Sept. 27].

Several years ago, the GOP voted to give their wealthy clients a huge tax break that added trillions of dollars to the national debt. Since then, Republicans have refused to increase the tax rate for those super-rich people.

Now, they are accusing the Democratic Party of being spendthrifts and are demanding that subsidies be slashed from aid for housing, nutritional assistance, home heating, school aid for lower-income communities and child care.

If these subsidies are slashed, as the GOP has demanded, what will happen to people who have to work two or three jobs just to get by? Many of these people are already falling behind in paying bills.

This will result in more homeless people, more food insecurity and more crime because some people will steal just to survive. Where is this country going?

— Roger Kaufmann, East Northport

Menendez isn’t above law, either

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) is presumed innocent until proven guilty [“Booker: Fellow Dem Menendez should resign,” Nation, Sept. 27].

However, given the overwhelming evidence found by prosecutors, including nearly half a million dollars of hidden cash, and the senator’s justification — that for 30 years he withdrew the cash for emergencies because of his family’s history of facing confiscation in Cuba — is beyond the pale. It’s not only an insult to the intelligence of his constituents but all Americans.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, has summed up the general public sentiment by calling on the senator to resign by saying, “These are serious charges that implicate national security and the integrity of our criminal justice system.”

Above all, the foundation of the American judiciary system lies in parity and the fair application of law with the sacrosanct premise that “nobody is above the law.” Menendez is no exception.

— Atul M. Karnik, Woodside

The way Sen. Bob Menendez has been treated by the Department of Justice and the Democratic Party can be characterized as being “thrown under the bus.” If I were Menendez, I would switch to the Republican Party. Goodbye, Senate Democratic majority, and goodbye to Chuck Schumer’s role as majority leader. Hello, sweet revenge.

— Peter Kelly, Medford

No easy answer in the grass vs. turf debate

I have been a football official for Section XI for over 30 years and know there is no simple answer about the grass controversy “Grass vs. turf: The debate resurfaces on Long Island,” Sports, Sept. 24]. While the article has many good points, it omitted one serious drawback of turf.

Artificial turf fields retain heat to an extreme degree that makes play difficult in hot weather. The games played in the first full weekend of this season were played in oppressive conditions. Grass fields would have been far better for all participants.

Conversely, under inclement conditions, playing on turf is better, almost like playing on a dry field. In rain, sleet or snow, turf is a godsend.

There is no perfect answer unless a school’s campus is large enough for two fields, one grass and one turf. There just aren’t too many Suffolk County schools that fit that bill. Let the debate continue.

— Roy Daiell, Deer Park

Bucking against idea of a mounted unit

The mere fact that the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office is even exploring the idea of creating a mounted unit is beyond comprehension, considering that the office cannot even execute its civil judgments in a timely fashion “Yea or neigh? Suffolk mulls mounted unit,” News, Sept. 25].

The concept of a mounted unit in Suffolk or Nassau counties in 2023 is an example of disregard bordering on contempt of the taxpayers of both counties.

Could it be that they are anticipating the need for a cavalry charge?

— Michael J. Vicchiarelli, Eastport

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