Protecting political candidates, MTA improvements
We need to protect political candidates
In two months, two assassination attempts against a candidate for president of the United States have taken place [“The real threat to democracy,” Editorial, Sept. 17]. How long will it take for the Secret Service and FBI to implement procedures that will prevent a possible assassin from being able to take a shot at a political leader?
We are looking less and less like America and more like a Third World country. The world is watching in disbelief.
— Frank M. Marlow, Huntington
How did a felon with a rap sheet know on Saturday that former President Donald Trump would be golfing in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday and evade Secret Service?
— Paul Eggers, Franklin Square
Passing a commonsense gun-control law should be a slam-dunk for Democrats in Congress. When they introduce it, all they need to do is name it the “Save Donald Trump’s Life Gun Control Law.” That will force Republicans to support the bill or go on record as not wanting to protect the life of Trump.
— Leonard Cohen, Wantagh
Faster LIRR speeds a plus for riders
The editorial “Tough ride ahead on the MTA” [Opinion, Sept. 15] laid out how Long Island loses if Gov. Kathy Hochul and the State Legislature don’t restore congestion pricing or find another funding stream.
It would be an easier sell if the Metropolitan Transportation Authority provided more details on projects it would fund in Queens, Nassau and Suffolk counties with the added revenue.
The editorial mentioned paying more attention to Jamaica station, but the MTA should recognize the value that faster approach and departure speeds would deliver to nearly every Long Island Rail Road rider. European and Japanese commuter railroad trains safely arrive and depart stations at higher speeds. We are overdue on making that investment.
— Steve Strauss, Forest Hills
The writer is executive director of the Empire State Passengers Association.
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