Firing from a Russian army tank results in an explosion in an apartment...

Firing from a Russian army tank results in an explosion in an apartment building in Mariupol, Ukraine, Friday. Credit: AP/Evgeniy Maloletka

One of the biggest blessings bestowed upon our country has been the enormous potential we possess, that when we put it into gear, we can actually change the world. These enormous resources, along with our capitalist economy, has produced the wealthiest country ever. Unfortunately, throughout our history, sometimes these blessings tend to cloud some minds into thinking we need to isolate from the world or be the world’s policeman.

Today, we face one of those decisions ["Airstrike hits Ukraine maternity hospital," News, March 10]. We need to identify what is more dire, lower domestic energy production to protect our world from global warming — or the current threat from Russia as even more direct and, in response, increase all our idle production facilities to produce as much energy as possible.

We need to step up and become the arsenal of democracy one more time by immediately putting the Defense Production Act in force to get all idle energy production facilities online.

— Patrick Ehmann, Ronkonkoma

The horrific invasion and destruction continue. Russian President Vladimir Putin claims Ukraine was part of Russia, like family, as his motive to invade and reclaim. However, no true family member would slaughter a "sister" to regain family status. It is only pure evil or a cold, dead heart that can inflict such pain.

Putin is a terrorist of the deadliest kind because he continues to lie to himself and his country and apparently is not in touch with reality. His country and the rest of the world will suffer due to the cowardice of Putin and his surrounding sheep. History is repeating itself, as we sit in disbelief. Perhaps it is time for the "rules of engagement" to change. There is no negotiating with a terrorist.

— Nancy Rodriguez, Levittown

The unprovoked invasion and war crimes committed by Russia against Ukraine’s civilian population are unconscionable. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s engagement in this barbaric conduct, while simultaneously holding civilized nations at bay with the threat of nuclear war, constitutes global extortion.

Any rogue nation that has access to nuclear weapons might now visualize gunpoint diplomacy as a viable option. The world’s free nations must show Russia and its allies that this will not stand and will be met with unwavering resolve and action.

— Michael J. Vicchiarelli, Eastport

It was heartwarming to read that four current and retired NYPD officers are willing to risk their lives to save children in a foreign country as well as bring in desperately needed supplies ["LIers with NYPD, other groups head to Ukraine to offer help," News, March 6]. I’m proud to be an American.

— Maureen Griffin, Syosset

An important person in my life always advised that talk is cheap. That person was my grandfather. When people ask what can be done to help Ukraine, the answer stared us in the face at the gas pump.

We must bite the bullet by cutting off Russian oil and hit this madman (definitely not a "genius") where it hurts most — in his wallet. It will not be easy. We must keep the plight of the Ukrainian people in mind every time we fill up.

— Kenneth Kavanagh, Rockville Centre

I know it’s with good intentions that Babylon Town officials are raising money for Ukrainian refugees ["Babylon Town raises funds for Ukraine," News, March 6]. But should they be doing that?

As a business owner, I would not want an official of the government I do business with, or who controls an aspect of my business or industry, to call for donations of any kind. How is this different than a judge collecting money for a spouse’s cancer charity from lawyers who might not want to say no? Or a superintendent soliciting donations from teachers not yet tenured?

The town should think about this and leave the fundraising to churches and nonprofits. Business owners always answer the call, but that call should not come from those who can potentially help or hinder them.

— Dennis Pekoff, Bellmore

We go from being energy independent to begging Iran, Venezuela and OPEC to increase output. Does anyone see what’s wrong with this picture?

Also, what will the world do when Russian President Vladimir Putin attacks the next non-NATO country? Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Remember 1937, 1938, 1939 . . .

— Geraldine Proferes, Mount Sinai

The world hasn’t learned from the failed appeasement policy that was used when Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors before World War II. History today repeats itself. First Russia invades Crimea, now Ukraine. Japan, back then, went to war with us, while today China most certainly, after watching the world’s pathetic response to Russia, will consider taking Taiwan through force.

— Christopher L. Turpin, Patchogue

A war is raging, people are dying, and landscapes are destroyed. The United States apparently fears helping Ukrainians because of a nuclear or biological response. In the wake of the Russian invasion, I have hardly heard a mention of the United Nations, whose main mission is peacekeeping. The United States pays a whopping 22% of the UN’s total budget of more than $3 billion and hosts the headquarters in Manhattan. I suggest the United States resign from the organization of "Useless Nations" and give notice for it to remove its headquarters from New York City. Perhaps the building can be put to better use in housing displaced Ukrainians and our own needy people.

— John Condon, Huntington Station

We should be done with incremental sanctions on Russian oligarchs while Ukrainians are being slaughtered. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a bully. Stop acting like we are afraid of him. Give Ukraine the MIG-29 fighter jets in Poland. The Ukrainians need more than Molotov cocktails.

— William Seward, West Islip

Are we so wimpy that we let somebody tell us what we can and can’t do? Let’s take ’em on! America has talent. Does America have guts?

— Jak’s Phamley-Phillips, Bay Shore

It’s odd the level of groundswell support to allow Ukrainian refugees to come into the United States — while fighting the entry of those who are fleeing crime and corruption at our southern border.

— John T. OConnell, Bay Shore


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