More tests and more thanks

Firefighters pay tribute to healthcare workers at NUMC on Monday in East Meadow. Credit: Howard Schnapp
Since people who have COVID-19 can be asymptomatic, it makes little sense to limit testing to those who are sick [“For some, it’s a challenge to get virus-tested,” News, April 2]. Ill people, no matter what the cause, generally will stay at home, seek medical treatment and protect others by wearing masks, gloves, etc. Healthy people will more likely go to work, shop for food and run errands despite maybe having the virus and unwittingly spreading it.
Everyone should be tested — health care workers; nursing home staff and home care aides; those dealing with the public like police officers, store clerks, postal workers, et al.; and household members who leave home (for work, shopping). Those testing positive should remain at home two weeks. If they develop symptoms, they should seek medical help immediately. Those testing negative should be retested every two weeks until the disease is under control. The uncertainty is contributing to the great rate at which it spreads. Expanding testing is the only way to help eliminate that uncertainty. Testing only those with symptoms is too late.
Richard Martino,
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said at his daily news conference on April 2, “I’m doing everything I can, but people are still dying” [“Gov sees ‘troubling news’ in LI virus count,” News, April 3]. Governor, you are not doing everything you can. Lock down the state for two weeks. The curve will flatten, as it did in San Francisco and King County, Washington. Yes, there will be “mayhem,” as you say. Wouldn’t you rather have mayhem than refrigerated trucks outside Elmhurst Hospital Center?
Stuart Grossman,
Glen Cove
I found the coronavirus article “Small firms fear a squeeze” [Business, April 3] to be misleading. It indicates that through the Paycheck Protection Program, small businesses will compete with large hotels, restaurants and franchises for funding. Several other programs are also available to firms with fewer than 500 employees, including the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program and several other Small Business Administration programs. Chances of receiving funds directly from the SBA and through banks are excellent. April 3 was the first day to apply for PPP, and the EIDL applications had been available for more than a week. Businesses can apply for both.
Leonard Buchholtz,
Editor’s note: The writer is chapter chair of SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) Long Island.
As we shelter at home, our lives have changed. One constant for my wife and me continues to be Jonathan, our mail carrier. Despite all the challenges dealing with the coronavirus, Jonathan comes through, delivering our mail. Receiving and reading mail has become one of our daily highlights, one which we no longer take for granted. We appreciate the connection between citizens and local mail carriers. Hats off to all the brave mail carriers who continue making their appointed rounds.
During these challenging times, we also give thanks to our police, volunteer ambulance crews, firefighters, sanitation workers, nurses, doctors, deli staff, and workers at supermarkets, take-out and food delivery, fast food, United Parcel Service, Fedex, truckers, gas stations, pharmacies, public transportation, utilities, water districts, and banks, along with those producing critical medical supplies who continue working day and night. Don’t forget the reporters who continue to keep us informed.
There is daylight at the end of the tunnel.
Larry Penner,
Great Neck
President Donald Trump announced at a news briefing that he won’t wear a facemask [“Face coverings recommended,” News, April 4]. It’s a dangerous comment from a dangerous president. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has directed that the wearing of masks for all people is a safer way to limit transmitting infection or becoming infected. I assume some parents would like their children to look up to this president. What kind of message is he sending?
Kathi Barnett,
Garden City
With ridership now low on the Long Island Rail Road, why is it running trains eight to 10 cars long [“LIRR on the job in time of need,” News, April 6]? With respect for social distancing, doesn’t this add to the cost of cleaning cars? If there is no place else to park the train cars, I hope they are locked to keep costs down. If not, does this mean more price increases when it’s safe to commute again?
Barry Katz,
The situation with the Wisconsin presidential primary and the withdrawal of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is a clear indication that consideration should be given to the national election and primary processes this year — and in the future, with other disasters or crisis situations such as this pandemic. Even if this situation improves soon, and the country is reopened, our focus should be on the economy and public health, not on an election. The president and Congress should develop a plan to postpone or cancel elections until we are on a firmer footing concerning public health. This way, our citizens will not have to jeopardize their health to cast a ballot, and election boards could hire and train the workers necessary to ensure fair and honest elections.
Rachel Ryan,
Huntington Station
How many editorials and op-eds have we read that tell us that life will never be the same after the virus, or that it will fundamentally change society and our lives [“Virus will remake how we choose to live after,” News, April 7]? Newsday quoted Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on April 7 saying that he fears hugging friends will be lost and we’re never going to be the same. This sentiment is echoed by politicians and academics with their dramatic missives about the pandemic. How about a little reality check?
I believe life will go back to normal. I think the virus was not an act of nature, it was an act of negligence and incompetence in China. For now, we need to physically distance, wash our hands and limit social contact. That is temporary, and life will resume as normal after the virus clears. There will be lasting ramifications for the near future. People may wash their hands more carefully and cover their mouths when coughing — things that were always good practice that are now in the spotlight. Beyond that, it is a disservice to send messages that “life as we know it will change.” For politicians and dramatic elitists to suggest we need to choose a “different” life is disingenuous and harmful.
Martin Stevens,