Coronavirus took away my chance at the perfect senior year

The coronavirus pandemic has drastically altered many Long Island students' chances to enjoy their final year of school. Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Ancika
During this extreme, disturbing time of great despair and uncertainty, many high school seniors, such as me, are feeling anger, fear and sadness [“College tests in limbo,” News, March 31]. We’re angry that what was supposed to be the best year of our lives — the one that we’ve been working so hard for over the past 12 years — has been turned upside down, obliterated and mangled beyond recognition. We’re angry that we can’t be with our friends to give each other the hugs, love and comfort that we need so desperately. We’re angry that we don’t even know whether we’ll ever have our prom or our high school graduation — many of us are even worried that March 13 was our last-ever day of high school and that we may never see some of our friends again.
We feel as if we are inside a living nightmare. The overwhelming uncertainty and sadness is torturous and relentless. The only thing we can do is to say a prayer together as one large society for life to return to normal, and for the world to become a better place.
Mitchell Schwartz,
It’s very good that the federal government has taken action to provide money to those who have lost jobs [“Trump signs $2.2T stimulus,” News, March 28]. Many families and individuals, however, only have health insurance through their jobs, and when those jobs are lost, the insurance is lost. Medical bills become an overwhelming fear. Our focus as a society right now is on COVID-19 and the effect on our health system. But mothers are still giving birth, babies still run fevers, children still break bones, adults still have heart attacks. How are individuals and families going to pay their medical bills when they no longer have insurance? It’s past the time to separate health care from employment and provide health care regardless of employment status.
Eileen Toomey,
Huntington Station
The only place people really have to go (who are not working) during this time of quarantine is to the grocery store. Wanting to limit my exposure to the virus, I tried to order online at two grocery stores near me. After spending more than 45 minutes generating a list, when I got to check out, no pickup time slots were available. Supermarkets should refocus their business to online pickup or delivery. I realize they need to keep their stores open, but they should hire or reallocate staff to increase their ability to satisfy online demand.
Lillian Carey,
We should reflect on health care workers who have dedicated themselves at great personal risk and cost by faithfully marching toward the viral enemy on the front lines. Their courage is no less than that of soldiers who have fought to defend freedom against more conventional enemies. Any health care worker who may tragically succumb in the line of duty in this battle should be accorded the same honors as past warriors and memorialized as a war hero. For those who feared for years about the next world war, it’s arrived. But, for the first time, we are not nations battling each other. We are, for once, global allies.
When our prayers have finally been answered and the COVID-19 virus has been defeated, I suggest a parade down New York’s Canyon of Heroes for all our health care soldiers. What a way to honor them and jump-start our regional economy, all at once.
Joseph Troiano,
Stewart Manor
Your article “Densely populated LI areas hit hard by virus” [News, April 2] was factual but potentially misleading. It is expected that more densely populated areas will have more cases of coronavirus than less dense areas. A better method of presentation is to show the rate of illness in a community. If a community with 50,000 residents and a community with 5,000 residents each has 50 cases, your method would list them as equals. However, the illness rate in the 50,000-resident community is 0.1% while in the 5,000-resident community it is 1%. People have enough fear in these times, so please don’t give them more.
Ted Pappas,
Deer Park
If appointed to a university selection committee, I’d ask prospective students these questions:
What did you do during the coronavirus threat?
Did you help by isolating yourself, or were you out socializing and partying?
The answer would reveal more than any SAT grade or essay.
Bruce Stasiuk,
I wish a newspaper would print the stimulus bill with all the so-called pork submitted and attached by congressmen [“Tapping virus relief,” News, April 1]. It’s about time we the people know who those legislators are. Adding $25 million for the Kennedy Center when the states need medical supplies and personnel? I wonder what other pork is in it that’s more important than human life.
Jeff Patton,
My wife and I have different views on what to do to keep busy while quarantined.
She believes we should get started on spring cleaning. First, start with washing the windows, followed by shampooing the rugs and maybe repaint every room in the house, just for good measure. With time left over, I could even learn to cook.
I feel the perfect way to spend this unprecedented time at home would be to watch every show saved on the DVR. I also could binge-watch every History Channel program I desire, not to mention countless TCM movies. I did pop in a DVD of “A Hard Day’s Night.” Anyone would feel better after watching the The Fab Four and hearing those amazing songs one more time.
Richard Tellerman,
West Islip
During these times of social distancing, we have been blessed that the many animals and birds on Long Island have continued to visit. Watching the cardinals, blue jays, robins, doves and wrens has provided colorful and welcome distractions while stuck inside. And we felt particularly thankful when a great blue heron stopped by for three days and even brought a companion on the second day. I read that, according to Native American tradition, “the Blue Heron brings messages of self-determination and self-reliance. They represent an ability to progress and evolve.” When I saw this, I realized it applied to our great country — we are self-reliant, and we will progress and evolve.
Ethell Smith,