Whether you're looking to do a complete renovation or just...

Whether you're looking to do a complete renovation or just update appliances or surfaces, there are plenty of affordable fixtures and alternative materials available for simple swaps. Credit: Getty Images/Johner Images

Whether you're looking to do a complete renovation or just update appliances or surfaces, there are plenty of affordable fixtures and alternative materials available for simple swaps.

Recycled countertop materials

These are a great eco-friendly option for homeowners looking to update a kitchen. There are many options to choose from, including concrete, cork and recycled glass. David Tully, a realtor in Nevada, said recycled glass is a long-lasting, environmentally-friendly countertop material manufactured from crushed glass and binders. Available in several colors to suit any kitchen design, these countertops are easily customizable, making them a good choice for any aesthetic.

Repurposed tile and other upcycled materials are also durable and as easy to clean as laminates.

Reusable kitchen items

For small, simple ways to incorporate sustainability, switch to reusable items rather than single-use plastic and paper products. Cloth napkins, dish towels and glass containers reduce reliance on single-use items. Reusable storage bags, glass mason jars and multi-use produce bags make any kitchen more sustainable. These items can save you money in the long run too.

Many reusable kitchen items are also made from eco-friendly materials like organic cotton, bamboo or compostable vegetable sources. There are now eco-friendly sponges made of loofah rather than plastic, and dish soaps can be found in non-plastic containers.

Induction stoves

Nicola Bertazzoni, COO of kitchen appliance brand Bertazzoni, says there is "an increasingly accelerating switch from gas to electricity, which today stands for induction." They use electromagnetic energy to heat cookware directly rather than heating up the air around the cookware (as a gas stove would).

Bertazzoni said induction stoves have a modern, seamless design and offer precision temperature control. Because induction stoves have a smooth surface, they are easy to clean and maintain. They can also have lower costs and better safety protections, and are quickly becoming more affordable and comparable to gas stove models.

Touchless faucets

The kitchen sink can be a notable source of water waste, whether from leaving the water running when doing the daily dishes or not spotting a leak until it's too late. Luckily, there are several ways to upgrade a kitchen faucet to reduce water usage. Motion-sensor technology is a great starting point. Hands-free and motion-sensor faucets have automatic shut-off features to prevent water from accidentally being left running. This technology is becoming more affordable to help homeowners conserve water while washing dishes or preparing meals.

There are also small upgrades that can make your kitchen sink more sustainable, including nozzles that incorporate water filtration systems to reduce the need for single-use plastic water bottles.

Sustainable flooring materials

Your choice in flooring material can also reduce your kitchen's carbon footprint. Tully says that cork, a material harvested from the bark of cork oak trees, is a renewable material you can use for either countertops or flooring. "Cork is resilient and hypoallergenic, and you can install it in a variety of patterns," Bertazzoni says.

This eco-friendly option for kitchen flooring is durable and easy to clean, and usually available in several colors to suit any kitchen design. In addition, eco-friendly flooring materials are often made with sustainable manufacturing processes that use fewer chemicals to produce. And if your family outgrows the style, the materials can be recycled or repurposed at the end of their lifespan. For your next full-scale kitchen renovation, consider installing flooring made with sustainable materials.

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