Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees follows through on...

Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees follows through on a first-inning base hit against the Texas Rangers at Yankee Stadium. (Aug. 14, 2012) Credit: Jim McIsaac

Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter will hit leadoff Wednesday night for the 114th time. No surprise there.

But let's go a little further into the first 113.

Plate appearances: 113

At-bats: 110

Hits: 43

Average: .391

That's quite impressive. Add in three walks and Jeter's on-base percentage leading off a game this season is .407, which is significantly higher than his over. 367 OBP for the season.

Jeter has struck out 11 times in those 110 at-bats -- that's once every 10 games. He has nine doubles and four home runs as well.

See how these numbers compare to Jeter's overall season stats.


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