A-Rod a no-show for Yankee team photo
Alex Rodriguez was a no-show when the Yankees took their team picture before Tuesday night's game against the Blue Jays at Yankee Stadium.
Manager Joe Girardi laughed off A-Rod's absence, saying: "Captain Kangaroo will probably get Alex for this one."
Girardi was referring to the time-honored baseball tradition of the Kangaroo Court. Players fine each other for small offenses.
Asked if he considered the matter more serious than that, Girardi said: "No. Players aren't always the best at reading memos on their chairs, I can tell you."
A stand-in was used for Rodriguez, who will be Photoshopped into the picture later. Rodriguez is hoping to hit his 600th home run on Tuesday; he has been at 599 since July 27.
Rodriguez arrived in the Yankees clubhouse at around 4:15 p.m. -- the photo shoot was scheduled for 3:45 -- and said he would speak with reporters after batting practice.