Phil Jackson watches the Knicks play against the Los Angeles...

Phil Jackson watches the Knicks play against the Los Angeles Clippers at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2017. Credit: Jim McIsaac

Phil Jackson tried to clear up his tweet from two days ago that seemed to be a shot at Carmelo Anthony by saying he was “misunderstood” in an emoji-filled tweet Thursday in which he lamented the “discord” in our society.

“So after starting a fire storm with a misunderstood tweet, I offer this peace sign,” Jackson tweeted, “our society is torn with discord. I’m against it. Let It Be”

Jackson used the emoji for fire, and a hand with two fingers up for the peace sign.

On Tuesday, Jackson’s tweet appeared to mean he agreed with a critical Bleacher Report column that was written about Anthony and detailed why he’s been the subject of trade rumors.

In the article, Bleacher Report’s Kevin Ding wrote that Jackson has not been able to transform Anthony into a winning player and has resisted Jeff Hornacek’s attempts at playing team ball.

Jackson tweeted, “Bleacher’s Ding almost rings the bell, but I learned you don’t change the spot on a leopard with Michael Graham in my CBA daze.”

This tweet was perceived as Jackson trying to goad Anthony into waiving his no-trade clause if the Knicks can work out a deal by the Feb. 23 trade deadline. They reportedly have spoken to the Cavaliers, Clippers and Celtics about Anthony.

After Wednesday’s game, Anthony said “I’m done asking why” Jackson is always talking about him. But he also said he’s “tired” of dealing with the unnecessary drama.

“I think anybody would get tired of it,” he said. “If you went to work every day and you had these spats about you, eventually you’ll get tired, unless you’re as strong as I am. I know how to deal with it and move on from it.”

In December, Jackson called Anthony a ball stopper in an interview with CBS Sports Network. Last month, Jackson confidant Charley Rosen wrote an Internet column in which he said, “Anthony has outlived his usefulness in New York.” Anthony believed it was Jackson’s opinion.

Anthony said on Wednesday he’s just trying to continue to play and not worry about things he can’t control.

“I am doing it,” Anthony said. “I am trying to do it. It is not easy. I would be lying to you if I said it was easy, but some way, somehow I find ways to get through it and deal with it and still come in here and make you guys laugh and my teammates are smiling and happy and we work every day.”


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