Fans love the New Meadowlands Stadium

Fans walk into the New Meadowlands Stadium for a preseason game between the Jets and Giants, the first NFL game played in the stadium. (Aug. 16, 2010) Credit: Getty Images
The look of amazement on the faces of fans who attended last night's Jets-Giants game at the New Meadowlands Stadium was a story in itself.
Tremendous sight lines, four giant JumboTrons, numerous concession stands on every concourse and restrooms at every turn. Aside from the touchy personal seat license issue, Jets and Giants diehards had a hard time finding fault with their teams' new digs.
"This is an amazing setup," Kyle McKenna said. "I made sure I got here early so I could take a walk around and check things out."
McKenna, a Baldwin High School graduate, said he remembers going to Jets games in the early 1980s with his father at Shea Stadium and then at the old Meadowlands Stadium through last season.
Comparisons? There are none as far as McKenna is concerned.
"Shea was weird because you have the baseball diamond on the field," said McKenna, head football coach at Brooklyn Tech High School. "This is really incredible."
McKenna said his seats, located in the first row of section 326 behind the goalposts on the east end of the field, offer him a tremendous view of the action.
"From a coach's view, you can see both sidelines, how the offenses and defenses line up and the coverages . . . It's a great look from here," he said.
"My seats are a little higher up than at the old stadium," said McKenna, 36, who sat in section 320 at the old stadium. "But I'm in the first row of the upper deck now."
For other fans, convenience, comfort and the proximity of restrooms and concession stands are equally as important as the view.
"It's got way more concession stands and bathrooms," said Jim Ross of Eatontown, N.J., by way of Hicksville. "They're easier to get to and you don't lose a lot of time missing the game."
Ross isn't a season-ticket holder, but plans on attending more games this season.
"The sight lines here are better and things are closer," Ross said. "At the old stadium, we would sit in the nosebleeds in the 300s. Here the seats in the upper deck are much closer. So there's no concern about being so high up."
Herb Klein, a Far Rockaway native who resides in Westchester, agreed. "The only word I can think of right now is awesome," Klein said. "It's easy to get to everything. The scoreboards are everywhere and you don't have to squint to see them."
Like McKenna, Klein goes back to the days when the Jets played at Shea Stadium. But Klein said the biggest difference might be the seating.
"I've been a season ticket-holder since 1978," said Klein, 62. "And the seats here are more comfortable . . . This is well worth the price."
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