Former player says Cowher will return to coaching

ALAN FANECA, Left guard
Diagnosed with Epilepsy at age 15, he works extensively with the Epilepsy Foundation of America.
Credit: Getty Images
As part of my cross-pollination efforts to merge storylines between the two New York football teams, I also got a chance to approach Jets guard Alan Faneca in the locker room before all of the Jets media came running over to ask him silly questions about playoffs and Super Bowls. Me? I wanted to ask him about Jerome Bettis saying that Bill Cowher is holding out for the Giants coaching job to open up.
Yeah, he heard that. And he laughed.
He said he doesn’t talk to Cowher as much as he used to, but they keep in touch. And Faneca believes 100 percent that Cowher will return to an NFL sideline. “He’s a coach, that’s what he does,” he said.
But as far as holding out for the Giants job, Faneca said he thinks that’s a little too specific.
“I think he’s holding out for the right situation, the right opportunity,” he said.
That sounds a lot better than what Bettis said yesterday. A lot more reasonable. Maybe not as much fun, but it has a hint of sanity and reserve to it at least.
But hey, if that right situation, right opportunity just happens to be with the Giants, we can all call the Bus a prophet.
(Photo: Getty Images)
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