Jets cornerback Lito Sheppard was back at work Wednesday preparing for Sunday's playoff game in San Diego and looking none the worse for wear after the birth of his fourth child Tuesday. Sheppard and his wife, Nicole chose to name their second son Boston. But don't worry Yankees fans, it has nothing to do with any sports rivalries.

Explaining the name, Sheppard said: "I think the nickname was more intriguing: 'Boss.'"

Boston is a healthy eight pounds, three ounces and measures 19 inches long. He joins sisters Reighan and Mya and brother Terrell.

Handling his role in support of his wife wasn't anything out of the ordinary for Sheppard, who is a veteran in these situations. "I've been through this situation a couple of times [during the season]," Sheppard said. "It happened on my day off, and we had a day off before that. It's one of those things you prepare for leading up to that time. It just worked out we didn't have a full practice that day.

"It's just one of those special occasions where you want to be there. Fortunately, it worked out. I was able to go through the whole experience and not miss anything that was going to affect this week of preparation."



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