Countdown to Mock Draft, Deep Ellum Blues and Versteeg
When you go down to Deep Ellum
To have a little fun...
Have your 20 dollars ready
When those policemen come
----Deep Ellum Blues (trad.), Jerry Garcia Band
Deep Ellum is a section of Dallas, but somehow it connected with me when I thought of the Nashville flooding. Regretfully, the deaths recorded in Tennesee are climbing; can only hope some of the Nashville clubs and honky-tonks like Tootsie's, the Station Inn, Robert's Western World, 12th & Porter and the Bluebird are surviving the rising rivers.
Always liked Kris Verteeg, who was acquired by Hawks from B's for Brandon Bochenski in Feb. 2007 (nice deal huh?) and scored the game-winner last night. His numbers were down slightly this season, his second full one with Chicago, but at 23, he should be a solid 50-55 point player for years. If the cap-strapped Hawks want to trade his salary ($6.16 mil over the next two seasons), I'd listen
On to the mock draft. I'd like Icehole to make Edmonton's pick at 9 AM Thursday if possible, and then continue down the line at whatever pace is feasible, although we should aim to finish by Thursday evening.
I'll post the board on a fresh entry here on Blue Notes and update through the day. Either send me your pick---when due---on the comments board (with a short reason why) or via e-mail ( or and I'll cut n paste and toss in a reaction.
That way we'll be on the record with an initial template with which to tinker during the Worlds. I'm sure that will spark some conversation about prospects rising and falling.(MikeNJ, I understand that work prevents you from joining the parade, no prob, I'm sure you'll be critiquing the selections)
Pay attention now:
Ice, if it's possible, I'd like you to handle No. 1 and the Isles No. 5. I'd like to shift Vancouver's and Montreal's picks to a reader out West, Mr. Borne. Toponlol, you're also being bequeathed the Capitals. I'm taking Ottawa and Buffalo.
So here's the final order (unless there's a major objection on Wednesday)
Edmonton (Icehole)
Boston (Rang9)
Florida (Buke)
Columbus (Tony)
Isles (Icehole)
Tampa (TomOrtiz71)
Carolina (Tony)
Atlanta (Buke)
Minnesota (Toponol)
NYR (we all weigh in)
Dallas (LI Joe)
Anaheim (Rang9)
Phoenix (PIP)
St. Louis (Tony)
Montreal (stuart borne)
Anaheim (Rang9)
Boston (Rang9)
Ottawa (Blue Notes)
Colorado (airjan)
Nashville (Tony)
Buffalo (Blue Notes)
Los Angeles (TomOrtiz71)
Pittsburgh (LIJoe)
Detroit (airjan)
Atlanta (Buke)
Washington (toponlol)
Vancouver (stuart borne)
Phoenix (PIP)
Chicago (PIP)
San Jose (cbuckser)
More later...