I asked former University of Miami footballer Dwayne Johnson today what he thinks of the Jets.

(Mr. Johnson, commonly known as "The Rock," has gone on to successful careers as a pro wrestler and as an actor, and stars in "Tooth Fairy," opening Friday, in which he plays a hockey player in a tutu and wings.)

Here is what he said:

"Well, I think they have a great shot to go to the Super Bowl. There's that intangible that's happening that you can taste in the air.

"It's that momentum. It's that shift that takes place, and once that shift happens psychologically for players and coaches, I think it's unstoppable.

"What I thought was great was that every time I saw Rex Ryan doing his interviews - almost like a junket-style interview [to promote a movie] - the confidence in the things he was saying wasn't just rhetoric, like I'm just going to say things I think will get my team pumped up.

"He was saying things he really believes. It was fantastic. I'd love to see the Jets and Minnesota go at it."

By the way, Johnson will appear at the NHL Store on Sixth Avenue from 5 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday for a public Q&A session.

Photo: 20th Century Fox


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