Gov. Paterson puts MMA on the NY State budget plan
Stop me when this sounds familiar: Mixed martial arts is getting closer to being legalized in New York.
We've been hearing "later this year" from MMA types for what seems like three years. These things happen, though, especially in politics.
But here's the clearest sign ever that we are ACTUALLY getting closer to the legalization of MMA in New York.
Gov. David A. Paterson has included it on his state budget proposal for 2010. Amid school funding cuts, taxes on wine being sold in grocery stores, and other budget concerns, there's a part in there that advocates the legalization of mixed martial arts in the state of New York.
Pretty crazy stuff, huh? Who's ready for a monster card at Madison Square Garden this Fall? I predict two belts will be on the line that night. Maybe even Brock Lesnar's return to the Octagon against the Frank Mir-Shane Carwin winner. MMA's biggest pay-per-view in the World's Most Famous Arena? Hello!
Yes, that is PURE SPECULATION, but we can dream a little bit, can't we?
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