Head to Scotland for Burns Night

Burns Night festivities in Glasgow Credit: Handout
The Scots take their poetry seriously. They even have a national holiday on January 25 to celebrate their favorite poet, Robert Burns.
On Burns Night, family and friends gather for the traditional Burns' supper, much like we do on Thanksgiving. And (here's where you come in) hotels and airlines offer deals for those who want to travel to Scotland to partake in the festivities.
It's not too late to plan a last-minute trip to experience the celebration firsthand. You can still book a Burns' Night celebration, ike the one at Oran-Mor, which offers food (haggis, neeps and tatties), drink and entertainment in Glasgow's West end for $64 per person (www.oran-mor.co.uk).
Get with the program by learning some Burns' songs at the annual Celtic Connections song workshops ($12 dollars per person) www.celticconnections.com, and take advantage of special Burns Night rates at places like Hotel du Vin Glasgow (www.hotelduvin.com/glasgow/) for $220 per night including breakfast and a free upgrade; Jury’s Inn (www.doylecollection.com) for $163 including a three-course Burns supper; or the 38 Bath Street serviced apartments http://www.38bathst.co.uk.