Global Emancipation Network and Deep Vision AI Announce Partnership to End Human Trafficking
Deep Vision AI will provide its Visual Intelligence engine to power Global Emancipation Network’s counter-human trafficking analytics and intelligence platform, beginning April 17th, 2018.
(PRWEB) April 20, 2018
Global Emancipation Network (GEN) and Deep Vision AI announce a partnership to deploy cutting-edge visual recognition tools into GEN’s analytics platform, Minerva. In the first week of working together the partnership has already demonstrated immediate impact.
“Visual intelligence from Deep Vision provides the transformative ability for users to gain real-time insight into their image sets and video feeds. The increased ability to prioritize and filter results based on analytics such as age, gender, or ethnicity reduces the time it takes for operational partners to find relevant images and, ultimately, save lives,” said founder and Executive Director of GEN, Sherrie Caltagirone.
“In our first week of joint work, Deep Vision’s facial recognition tools enabled Global Emancipation Network to identify an individual, as well as a network of potential traffickers and victims. This case has been referred to law enforcement for further investigation,” added Sherrie.
Deep Vision’s system that recognizes and identifies visual clues, identifies facial matches, and categorizes visual data, is empowering GEN’s users to prioritize leads and facilitate the identification of persons of interest. These AI powered visual tools will significantly speed up the outreach and response time, two critical components to find victims of human trafficking.
“Deep Vision is extremely excited to partner with Global Emancipation Network in the effort to stop human trafficking across the globe. We believe that Artificial Intelligence is a tool for common good and deploying our AI powered solutions on the Minerva platform will directly result in less people trapped in the network of human trafficking,” said Deep Vision Head of Business Development, Jameel Ghata.
Human trafficking is the world’s fastest-growing criminal economy generating $150 billion annually, representing a massive challenge to counter-trafficking stakeholders. Traffickers currently enslave between 20 million and 45 million people around the world. Organizations around the world maintain separate directories of missing and potentially trafficked persons and often lack the tools and resources to efficiently process the data which would enable connecting these individuals to digital evidence. The integration of Deep Vision AI in Minerva empowers these organizations to link images of missing persons to aggregated advertisements of trafficked individuals.
“This collaboration is bringing us great satisfaction, it gives us the chance to apply our Artificial Intelligence expertise to social good and such a relevant cause as rescuing the victims of modern-day slavery," said Agustin Caverzasi, Co-founder of Deep Vision.
About Deep Vision AI:
Deep Vision AI, Inc. is a leading computer vision company based in the U.S and Argentina. Deep Vision excels at providing intelligent video and image analytics that facilitate new ways of understanding and analyzing visual data. Deep Vision provides AI powered visual intelligence to a broad set of partners and our solutions help our clients operate more efficiently and effectively, create new products, and accelerate business models. Our core AI solutions focus on facial demographics (detecting age and gender), facial verification (recognizing faces), vehicle recognition (recognizing year, make, model and views), brand recognition (brand exposure and retention), visual context (providing context tags of images) and visual search (to discover similar faces, vehicles, objects, etc).
For additional information on Deep Vision AI, visit
About Global Emancipation Network:
Global Emancipation Network is a data analytics and intelligence nonprofit dedicated to countering human trafficking around the world. Minerva, the multi-tenant data analytics platform created and hosted by Global Emancipation Network, empowers users across the anti-trafficking stakeholder community to find trafficking victims, stop traffickers, and inform resources and policy.
For additional information on Global Emancipation Network, visit
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