Mediaclip announces its first release of 2018, jam-packed with new features and enhancements that promise to create the most intuitive end-user experience and optimize the overall performance of the front-end creation tool, Mediaclip™ Product Designer.

MONTREAL (PRWEB) April 27, 2018

Mediaclip™, the world’s premier developer of product personalization software, announced the launch of its newest v7.0 product release today. This version is packed with new features and enhancements that promise to create the most intuitive end-user experience and optimize the overall performance of the front-end creation tool, Mediaclip™ Product Designer (“Designer”).

“Further improving the usability of Mediaclip Designer was a top priority throughout the development of version 7.0,” says Christian Rondeau, Chief Innovation Officer at Mediaclip. “Consumers expect immediate feedback and obvious navigation; that’s why we revamped our user interface so that we make even better use of the available screen size, predict upcoming interactions to finish in fewer clicks and make everything snappier than ever before. The numbers reliably show that these things are what drives conversion rates up, as well the revenue of our customers,” he continues.

The challenge when introducing new features to the creative process is to present everything in a way that does not overwhelm or overcrowd the work area of the creation tool. As such, Mediaclip has developed a brand-new Header for the tool. Being collapsible/expandable, store owners now have the freedom make more options accessible to their shoppers. Businesses can brand it with their logo, add unique links leading to other parts of their website, and add a custom Help link that leads end-users to the website’s chosen medium of support (chat, tutorial videos, etc.). By combining the website’s custom redirections and the Designer’s functionalities into a single header results in a much larger editing work area for end-users, especially on mobile resolutions.

“We also decided to make a few small visual changes and relocate certain functionality buttons within the UI that will greatly impact the fluidity of navigation as well as provide better support for users with disabilities,” adds Christian.

In the spirit of providing a frictionless experience, many new features were designed to simplify the editing while providing more options to the user, allowing them to quickly reorganize photos in their book, or switch from a portrait to a landscape canvas in one click, or even change their mind and switch to a more colorful theme. Moreover, version 7.0 has changed a few of the element behaviors to get end-users to the editing options they need in as few clicks as possible, eliminating any needless adjustments required to get the desired results within a project.

Last but not least, the Mediaclip Design Team has developed fifty-one (51) new greeting card themes and added news clipart and styles, expanding the existing range of available content from the Mediaclip library. The new themes were created using Mediaclip™ Photoshop® Extension, which is sure to make it easier for website owners to adapt the design for any language and printing specifications to better suit their business needs.

“The core of our development activities has always been to find ways to make the user experience exceptional for consumers while also ensuring that the management of the solution and associated workflows, as well as content creation and management, are as smooth as possible for our customers,” remarks Marion Duchesne, Founder and CEO at Mediaclip. “We’re confident that this latest release will equip our customers with the best tool possible within the highly competitive product personalization market, giving them the ability to establish a unique edge within a sea of average websites,” she concludes.

To see the latest release in action, please request a demo via the company’s website (, by email (, or by phone (1-877-799-2547).

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