Next Element’s Leading Out of Drama® Program Launches in China
System promises to equip workforce with tools to leverage conflict for positive results
NEWTON, Kan. (PRWEB) April 30, 2018
A solution for organizations dealing with negative conflict is coming to China.
It’s the Leading out of Drama (LOD) system, led by Kansas-based global advisory firm, Next Element, which supplies training tools to leverage conflict to fuel innovative solutions. Next Element recently partnered with First Priority Consulting, one of China’s premier training companies, to distribute the system. The exclusive partnership holds promise for the world’s most populous country.
“The world is dealing with a lot of conflict right now and Chinese businesses are no exception,” shared Nate Regier, co-founder and chief executive officer of Next Element. “Our program equips people with the tools to use the power of conflict to be productive rather than draining.”
The LOD system is the vehicle that delivers what Next Element calls “Compassionate Accountability”—the ability to struggle with others rather than against them. LOD does this by equipping people with the skills to transform the energy of conflict into meaningful contribution, every day, in every interaction, for powerful personal and professional development. It is the only system available today that uses conflict as an energy source for positive change.
LOD is the antidote to common professional and personal problems such as unproductive meetings, gossip, strained relationships, lack of accountability, difficult performance conversations, passive-aggressive behavior, absenteeism and low engagement, and resistance to change.
“People tend to slip into drama easily without intention, and sometimes even with intention. And here in China we are no different than the rest of the world. With Next Element's Leading Out of Drama® program people are alerted and helped with necessary skills to handle conflicts. More importantly, LOD turn conflicts into opportunities to create positive results,” said Jeremy Zhuli, owner of First Priority Consulting.
LOD has already had a positive impact on organizations in countries such as the United States, the Netherlands, Austria, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Romania. Some examples include a software company successfully overcoming internal obstacles to a difficult merger, a professional football team ending a losing streak and making it to the finals, and a hospital reducing turnover by 300 percent.
The tools, rooted in emotional intelligence and personality trait science, are especially useful today in a world in which organizations most likely have a multi-national and/or multi-generational workforce where different perspectives can brew conflict.
“LOD works across cultures and generations because it uses universal principles that allow anyone regardless of their age or where they’re from to negotiate and navigate difficult conversations,” said Regier, who writes about the LOD framework in Conflict Without Casualties. “The tools are broadly applicable and easy to learn and apply.”
To learn more about the Leading Out of Drama® system, visit here. Next Element will also be presenting and exhibiting at ATD’s international conference in San Diego, May 6-9.
About Next Element
Next Element is a global advisory firm specializing in leadership communication. Next Element has built an international reputation for establishing “what’s next” in the interpersonal communication field. It has enjoyed remarkable success on the world stage as Process Communication Model® leaders and pioneers. The firm builds what it calls cultures of compassionate accountability. Next Element’s Leading Out of Drama® model for positive conflict is rapidly gaining traction worldwide as the next frontier for global leadership. Using this and other transformative communication strategies, those at Next Element equip leaders with influence to affect positive change in the environments where they are at work.
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