Rob Lowe Hosts a New "On Demand" Episode on Prostate Surgery
A new medical segment of the series will delve into prostate cancer and surgery.
(PRWEB) April 25, 2018
Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer among men. The disease is the third leading killer of men in the United States, according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Prostate Surgery, or prostatectomy, is the typical treatment for prostate cancer when diagnosed before spreading and infecting the entire gland.
In an upcoming episode, Rob Lowe will introduce a segment that discusses prostate surgery on the “On Demand” show featuring medical professionals. The sought-after actor punctuates the educative show that engages audiences and features specialists across America on critical issues affecting society.
Prostate cancer is a serious killer that needs managing as early as possible to keep the mortality rates decreasing. Radical prostatectomy is the main surgery done when treating prostate cancer. The doctor removes prostate gland entirely, surrounding tissues and seminal vesicles. However, there are many ways of doing this operation, including new minimally invasive techniques, as well as associated therapies that have a more minimal impact on the patient.
These new techniques will be discussed in detail, as well as the suture of Prostate Surgery and the medical possibilities moving forward.
“On Demand” show is vetted for quality before being broadcasted. The show continues to receive support and appreciation countrywide for its informative nature.
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