Bristol Palin: Mom doesn't approve of her re-engagement
Bristol Palin says her mom, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, "doesn't even really approve" of Bristol's surprise re-engagement last week with her once-estranged baby-daddy, Levi Johnston.
"She's apprehensive and concerned about this," Bristol Palin, 19, says in the new issue of Us magazine. "She doesn't want to see me get hurt again. She knew Levi and I had been talking, but she wanted to know if Levi was really sincere about this. I told her we were working on our relationship for [the sake of] Tripp," the young couple's 19-month-old baby. "She knows how much Tripp means to me, and she wants Tripp to have a father figure."
Bristol, who works as a medical assistant in Anchorage, shot down rumors that she's pregnant, that her mother orchestrated the arrangement, or that she and Johnston, 20, would appear in a reality show, even though, "[W]e get offers all the time."
She also denied the magazine's own report in last week's cover story that her mother "has been kept in the dark about their plans . . . until now," saying in the new interview that she had indeed "called her. I said, 'Hey, Mom, I have something to tell you. Levi and I got engaged.' So she didn't find out from the magazine."
Regardless, Bristol was unsure whether her mother would attend the wedding. "I think she will, but the guest list has not been written yet and there's still a lot of preparation to do. Mom said she is going to have to wait to see if [Johnston] changes - if he gets a job and an education."
To that end, she says, "He's been opening up his GED books and studying. After that GED test - and hopefully he passes - then he'll get a job. And we've been looking for marriage counselors in Anchorage."