The Top 9 on "American Idol" are, clockwise from left,...

The Top 9 on "American Idol" are, clockwise from left, Tim Urban, Crystal Bowersox, Andrew Garcia, Casey James, Siobhan Magnus, Michael Lynche, Aaron Kelly, Katie Stevens and Lee Dewyze. (April 7, 2010) Credit: Fox

Katie Stevens or Michael Lynche or Tim Urban is about to join Andrew Garcia and get voted off "American Idol." First, Tim gets sent back to safety -- first time all season I felt he didn't deserve to get kicked off.

The other person, says Ryan, wasn't even in the bottom three. And gone is . . . Katie! Wow, that's kind of a raw deal. She hasn't been bad, and although a bit uneven has definitely been interesting and someone I enjoyed watching each week. Definitely a surprise that Big Mike wasn't even in the bottom three. A lot of people figured he'd be gone a week after he needed to be saved.

In the end, maybe she just didn't stand out enough -- plus, she didn't have the tween girls texting furiously for her. She sings "Let It Be," which I thought was the best performance out of everyone last week.

Andrew and Katie . . . I will miss them both. I'm probably more saddened by Andrew going, still think he had supreme talent and if he'd made better song choices he could have won it all.

They're hugging each other as she's crying watching their journey highlights. Aaron definitely should've been one of the ones to go, but that''s "Idol."

Next week: "Idol Gives Back" along with inspirational songs (ugh) and Alicia Keys (yaaay).

PHOTOS: "American Idol" final round | "Idol" top 12 party with "Glee" stars

REWIND: See the winners and top finalists from each season of "American Idol"

MORE: Read all of our other "American Idol" posts

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