"Jersey Shore" cast member Michael Sorrentino, also known as "The...

"Jersey Shore" cast member Michael Sorrentino, also known as "The Situation,"arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. (Sept. 12, 2010) Credit: AP

At this point in any "Dancing With the Stars" season, you look to the three lowest scorers to determine Most Vulnerable.

Simple arithmetic: If the judges give the three lowest roughly the same scores, then it's up to viewers to save two of them. Last week was an easy call after Michael Bolton scored a sad but justifiable 12; even the judges were saying "take a hike."

But patterns have been established, and our three "vulnerables" Tuesday are: Florence Henderson, Margaret Cho and Mike Sorrentino.

No way is Henderson going. She has a big fan base.

After week one, Cho changed her game plan. She decided to take the show - and herself - seriously. Viewers seemed to like the change, which was obvious on the floor. And she has a perfect match in Louis Van Amstel.

That leaves "The Situation." Based on last week, I'm not convinced that his heart is in this. His Jive was worse than dull - it was lazy.

So unless a miracle occurs Monday night - always possible - Mr. "Jersey Shore" will be hitting the road.


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