Fall gardening seminars at Hicks Nurseries
I just got an early heads up on the fall schedule of Saturday seminars at Hicks Nurseries in Westbury. These classes are free, and registration is not required.
Hicks Nurseries is located at 100 Jericho Tpke. in Westbury, New York. For more details, call 516-334-0066 or visit hicksnurseries.com.
Sept. 18, 1 p.m.
Flowers for Fall Color in Your Garden
Just because summer is fading it doesn’t mean you can’t have a colorful flower garden. Now is the time to plant for fabulous autumn color. Hicks’ expert, Nate Jackson, shows how.
Sept. 25, 1 p.m.
Colorful Fall Containers
Hicks’ custom designer, Suzanne Armata, has a way with planters. She’ll give tips on how to add seasonal autumn color to entryways, decks and patios with new or existing containers.
Oct. 2, 1 p.m.
It’s Bulb Planting Time
After the drabness of winter our gardens cry out for brightness. Plant bulbs now and the spring garden will be alive with color. Hicks’ Vinnie Drzewucki, CNLP, shows how to plant spring flower bulbs such as tulips daffodils, crocus and more.
Oct. 2, 3 p.m.
Composting In Your Backyard
Small scale composting is easy to do and the finished product is a great soil amendment for landscape and garden use. Presented by Master Gardeners from the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County.
Oct. 9, 1 p.m.
Find Your Green Thumb: Houseplants for Beginners
No home or office is complete without a few houseplants, but not all houseplants are created equal. Hicks’ tropical plant expert, Walter Dworkin, focuses on some of the easiest ones to grow and shares advice for their care.
Oct. 9, 3 p.m.
BUG OUT! Carnivores In Captivity
Discover the fascinating world of insect eating (carnivorous) plants. Professional carnivorous plant grower, Eric Kunz, shows how easy it is to grow these fun, exciting and unique plants.
Oct. 30, 1 p.m.
Orchids Are Easy
Contrary to popular belief, orchids are easy to grow and will continue to colorful blooms for years. Hicks’ orchid expert, Walt Dworkin shows beginners how to be successful with growing orchids in the home or office.
Oct. 30, 3 p.m.
Digging and Storing Summer Bulbs
Now that winter is coming, people are wondering what to do with their elephant ear plants, dahlias, caladiums, glads and other tender bulbs that bloomed this summer. Hicks’ Vinnie Drzewucki, CNLP, shows how to successfully care for them over the winter so they can be enjoyed again next summer.
Nov. 6, 2 p.m.
Cardinals, Blue Jays, Goldfinches and Other Colorful Songbirds
Bird watchers will learn how easy it is to attract these and other wild songbirds to their backyard by following the advice of Hicks’ bird expert, Vinnie Drzewucki, CNLP.