Juneteenth events on Long Island

M'Bemba Bangoura, from the Wula Drum performance group, leads a line dance at the Juneteenth Jubilee at Malverne High School in June 2023. Credit: Morgan Campbell
Honor Juneteenth — the federal holiday that commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans — with events around Long Island, including art displays, live music and presentations on notable leaders throughout history.
Presentation, scavenger hunt and craft: Celebrate the resistance and resilience of African Americans in the whaling industry, discover the stories of trailblazing captains, inventors and craftsmen, participate in a scavenger hunt around the museum's special exhibit and construct a boat model using a variety of wooden materials, noon and 2 p.m. at The Whaling Museum and Education Center. Event is $10 plus admission, $8, $6 ages 4-7; 301 Main St., cshwhalingmuseum.org, 631-367-3418.
Celebration: Join Assem. Taylor Darling along with Furthering Fathering, an organization dedicated to elevating, promoting and enhancing the role of fathers, and Backyard Barbeque restaurant for Joy Fest to celebrate the day of freedom with educational activities, family field day events, a parent-child basketball tournament food and more, 2 to 7 p.m. at Hempstead Lake State Park. Free; 880 Lake Dr., joyfestny.com, 516-208-2625.
Celebration: Celebrate the day of freedom with live entertainment, cultural expressions, a craft fair, food vendors and games, 5 to 8 p.m. at Kennedy Park. Free; 335 Greenwich St., villageofhempstead.org, 516-478-6286.
Jubilee, party, awards and celebration ceremony: Features traditional food, signature cocktails, wine, beer, dancing, a gospel extravaganza, DJ Infmatick, jewelry and art vendors, 6 p.m. at LTV Studios. Honorees include Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Parrish Art Museum, Sylvester Manor, Bay Street Theater and more. Tickets are $75, $100 at the door; 75 Industrial Rd., ltveh.org, 631-537-2777.
Presentation: The NAACP delves into the inception of the Juneteenth holiday. Community members are encouraged to share their Westbury history, spanning from the past to the future, 6 p.m. at Westbury Memorial Public Library. Free; 445 Jefferson St., register at westburylibrary.org, 516-333-0176.
Fashion show: Rhonda Gooden, owner of Chez Lãa Reine in Huntington, hosts a fashion show from 5 to 9 p.m. on the Great Lawn of the Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site. This free event features a dozen models showcasing African American styles throughout history, a poetry reading, a presentation and an exhibit of artifacts. Eats including BBQ from CJ’s Caribbean American Grill Food Truck will be available for purchase; 246 Old Walt Whitman Rd., waltwhitman.org/events/freedom-to-be-fabulous, 631-427-5240.
Celebration: Freedom Day takes place from 1 to 6 p.m. at Manor Field Park and features historic reflections, music, dancing, cultural experiences, food trucks, giveaways and raffles. Free; bring a lawn chair. Rain date: 2 p.m. June 23; 110 E. Fifth St., heckscher.org.
Black history walking tour: Explore the area's history during Northport Historical Society's guided walking tour. The tour begins at the information booth at Northport Village Park at 1 p.m. Attendees will hear stories of the diverse Black families who lived in and around Northport for generations. The tour involves walking on uneven sidewalks and pavement. Tickets are $7; at the end of Main Street, register at northporthistorical.org/events, 631-757-9859.
Celebration: The Ketcham Inn Foundation celebrates with a guest speaker and light refreshments at 12:30 p.m. at the Mary E. Bell House; Free; 66 Railroad Ave., register at ketchaminnfoundation.org/mary-e-bell-house, 631-878-1855.
Musical performance: ART by Nigel performs a show that merges the soulful sounds of gospel, jazz, R&B and soul to pay homage to Juneteenth at 3 p.m. at Port Washington Public Library. Free; 1 Library Dr., register at pwpl.org, 516-883-4400.