Islip Town agenda, Jan. 17
Unless specified, meetings are
at 655 Main St., Islip.
7:30 p.m. Jan. 28
7:30 p.m. Jan. 21
1 p.m. Jan. 26
7 p.m. Tuesday
At its Nov. 12 meeting, the Islip Zoning Board of Appeals:
Brentwood: Denied Nancy Mazzuca, estate of Joseph Rosina, permission to retain a one-story addition with insufficient side yard, north side of Walton Street, west
of Madison Avenue.
Brentwood: Granted Ana
J. Avila permission to retain a roofed-over patio with insufficient side yard, east side of Wicks Road, north of Chapel Hill Road.
Brentwood: Granted Juanita Melendez, life estate, permission to retain a roofed-over cellar entrance with insufficient side yard, north side Yarnell Street, east of Nimitz Avenue.
East Islip: Denied Joyce Loizides permission to retain a 5-foot fence and columns with insufficient front-yard setback, south side of Meadow Creek Court, west of Meadow Farm Road.
Islip Terrace: Denied John A. and Marianne Flanagan permission to retain a hot tub with insufficient building separation and a horse corral on property line with
insufficient setback, north side of
Oceanside Street, east of Montauk Avenue.
West Islip: Granted Lynn Colangelo permission to retain a concrete walk and driveway with insufficient side yard, east side of Oak Neck Road, south of Third Street.
At its Nov. 18 meeting the Islip Zoning Board of Appeals:
Bay Shore: Granted Claude C. Ramsey Jr. permission to retain an above-ground pool and pool deck, shed and gazebo with insufficient front yard and floor area, south
side of Oakridge Drive, west of East Forks Road.
West Islip: Granted Charles
J. Koeppel Jr. permission to build a one-story addition and reconstruct a roof and retain a shed with insufficient side yard, south side
of Bellmore Street, west of Fire Island Avenue.
Compiled by Darlene Gein
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