The veterans and first responders united behind an ambitious Sept. 11, 2001, memorial in Massapequa say their goal is in sight -- even if it won't be met by the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack.

Their nonprofit, the Towers of Freedom Military Monument, estimates that it needs $130,000 to build a 23-foot-high monument incorporating a section of World Trade Center steel at John J. Burns Park in Massapequa. Along with honoring those killed in the WTC attacks, the project lists armed forces members killed in later wars.

After forming in 2007, Towers of Freedom received early approval to build at the Oyster Bay town park, and targeted this Sept. 11 for unveiling. But fundraising fell short.

In May, Supervisor John Venditto promised the town would pay half the monument's cost.

"It was more than we had expected," said Bob Arnold Jr., Towers of Freedom's vice president and secretary. "Fundraising has been a little slow."

A town spokeswoman confirmed last week that Venditto pledged to match the nonprofit's $65,000 commitment. The town's Sept. 11 memorial, costing roughly $150,000, was dedicated at Tobay Beach in 2004.

Danny Cain, a Towers of Freedom founder, said roughly $10,000 had been raised to date, mostly through an adopt-a-brick campaign. More fundraisers are planned this summer, in hopes the monument will be unveiled by next Memorial Day. Cain's brother, New York City firefighter George Cain, died at the World Trade Center.

"I didn't think we needed to necessarily target the 9/11 anniversary," said Cain, a Navy veteran. "This is also a memorial to our troops."

The monument design features a soldier kneeling at the foot of twin towers, surrounded by firemen's gear, police hats and the 1,400-pound steel Trade Center beam.

Towers of Freedom is among more than 1,100 organizations worldwide that received beams from the fallen towers. Oyster Bay recipients include fire departments, civic groups, a hospital, village and school district.

Cain and Arnold said the steel beam may be on display for a Sept. 11 vigil at the future monument site.

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