Lightning hits Great Neck Village Hall, causes fire, Nassau fire official says

A lightning strike caused a fire at the Great Neck Village Hall Tuesday evening. Credit: Lou Minutoli
A lightning strike caused a fire at Great Neck Village Hall on Tuesday night, a Nassau fire official said.
The fire, which was reported at 7:26 p.m., was contained to one second-floor room of the Baker Hill Road building, Assistant Chief Fire Marshal James F. Hickman said. There was some water damage below as well, he said.
Great Neck Mayor Pedram Bral said the village's building department and main office were the most impacted by the fire. He said no one was in the building during the blaze.
"We don't know the real extent of the damage until we get further studying to it," Bral said. "They're working today and possibly tomorrow, so by the end of the week we'll have more information."
Bral said they are working on relocating officials whose offices were impacted by the fire.
About 100 firefighters responded to the blaze, with five departments battling the fire and four on standby, Hickman said.
"The quick response of all the fire departments in the peninsula prevented the fire from going farther," Bral said.
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