Amityville $13.7M project would upgrade roads, parking lots

A view of the municipal parking lot off Oak Street in Amityville, Monday, April 11, 2016. An overhaul of village municipal parking lots and 30 miles of roads -- the first in 30 years -- would cost $13.7 million, according to an engineering study commissioned by trustees. Credit: Steve Pfost
A total overhaul of Amityville’s municipal parking lots and 30 miles of roads — the first in 30 years — would cost $13.7 million, according to an engineering study commissioned by village trustees.
The village board in the next few months is to consider whether to proceed with the project. Portions of Ocean, Ketcham, Bayview and Albany avenues along with Avon Place would be resurfaced in the first year for $1.2 million, according to an early draft of the study, which calls for a 10-year road management plan that can be broken into yearly increments.
Melville-based engineering firm Nelson & Pope completed the study, which identified roads in most urgent need of attention based on condition and traffic volume. Company representatives presented the results at a village board work session last week.
Trustee Nick LaLota, an advocate of the plan, said that support would depend on the village’s finances and outcome of municipal credit ratings reviews expected in coming months. Improved ratings, which LaLota said are likely, could lower borrowing costs.
Credit rating agencies downgraded the village’s debt to near-junk level in 2013, with Moody’s citing its “very weak financial position,” but the agencies have issued less drastic assessments in the past two years.
“Only if we continue to be disciplined with our budget is this even possible,” he said. Compliance with the state-imposed tax levy cap is still a priority, LaLota said, adding that he would not support any project that relied on a tax increase that would force the village to exceed the cap.
Trustee Dennis Siry urged caution in making a decision about the road project.
“The roads are getting worse, but $12 million, $13 million is a lot of money,” he said. “We’ve got an election coming up in March — I would put it on the ballot and let people vote for it.”
The second year of the program calls for work on Sprague, South Ketcham, Albany, Riverside, Ranick and Union avenues for $1.3 million.
Greene, Richmond, Park and Grand Central avenues as well as Hamilton Street and Bennett Place would follow in the third year for $1.3 million.

Things to do now on LI Rock climbing? Indoor beach volleyball? Water parks? Arts and crafts? NewsdayTV's Elisa DiStefano and Newsday deputy lifestyle editor Meghan Giannotta have your look at ways to spend your winter break.

Things to do now on LI Rock climbing? Indoor beach volleyball? Water parks? Arts and crafts? NewsdayTV's Elisa DiStefano and Newsday deputy lifestyle editor Meghan Giannotta have your look at ways to spend your winter break.