Suffolk County: More mosquito spraying set for Fire Island
Suffolk County has scheduled ground spraying on Fire Island, weather permitting, for Wednesday and Thursday using the pesticide Anvil, with an eye toward mosquito control, county health officials said.
Spraying is planned for Thursday from 6 to 10 p.m. for all streets in Fire Island Pines, Summer Club, Water Island and Atlantique.
Wednesday’s spraying for the same time period is for all streets in the communities of Ocean Beach, Seaview and Ocean Bay Park.
The chances of experiencing health effects from the ground spraying are “quite low,” the health department said, but children and pregnant women should avoid exposure by staying clear of the area during spraying and at least 30 minutes afterward.
Among the protective measures the department suggests are closing doors, windows and air-conditioning vents before spraying and keeping them closed 30 minutes afterward.
In addition to being annoying, some mosquitoes’ bites can transmit West Nile virus to people. This year, there is also a concern about the Zika virus, which can be transmitted by a certain type of mosquito that has not been found on Long Island.
Health officials say residents can help make areas around their homes unfriendly to mosquitoes by:
- Regularly looking for and eliminating even the smallest amounts of standing water, which is where the insects reproduce, including in cans, buckets and other containers, as well as old tires, tarps, pool covers and children’s toys.
- Drilling drainage holes at the bottom of garbage cans, changing birdbath water at least weekly and making sure roof gutters are unclogged and draining properly.
- Adding fish to circulate water in any backyard ponds, and clearing pond edges of debris and vegetation.
'I did not live up to the standards that I try to hold for myself' Justin Timberlake appeared in a Sag Harbor court Friday to plead guilty to a lesser charge in his drunken driving case.
'I did not live up to the standards that I try to hold for myself' Justin Timberlake appeared in a Sag Harbor court Friday to plead guilty to a lesser charge in his drunken driving case.