LETTERS: Economy, March for Life and more
Now hear this:
It's still the economy
President Barack Obama always seemed to be talking directly to "everyman" ["President vows health care fight," News, Jan. 23]. What was more important, we thought he was listening to us. Now we are talking loudly, but he isn't listening.
We need jobs badly. If you don't work, then medical coverage isn't going to keep you in your house, feed your family, send your kids to college.
He should listen to our loud "No." Almost everyone is touched by a family member or friend out of work. What do we want above all else? Jobs!
Jane Mastromonica
Why did it take an election in Massachusetts for the New York Democrats who represent us in Washington to change their tune on the so-called health care reform bills? We heard again and again from their leaders that they had the votes and were prepared to move ahead. They were prepared to move ahead despite the backroom deals, the enormous costs, and the lack of transparency (better defined as the public be damned).
What would have happened if Scott Brown hadn't won in Massachusetts? Would there still have been this apparent epiphany about the economy?
Laura J. Mansi
Dix HillsFerrets won coverage over March for Life
Saturday's Newsday reported on 150 ferrets being saved in Mexico ["150 ferrets saved," News, Jan. 23] and a dog being saved in Los Angeles, but failed to notice thousands and thousands of people in the cold in Washington at the annual March for Life, who are trying to save the lives of unborn children.
Jack Barthel
CutchogueTuition plan helps
students, taxpayers
Your editorial supporting the proposed Public Higher Education Empowerment and Innovation Act ["Flexibility for SUNY," Opinion, Jan. 18] thankfully focused on key issues of concern to college students and parents. Under this proposal, families will have the ability to plan for more predictable tuition costs - and the individual state campuses will be able to establish reliable, long-term financial plans.
In the past, several years of no increments have been followed by radical increases. Predictability for students, and for SUNY campuses, would result from a rational tuition policy.
Ending the over-regulation of SUNY and streamlining the bureaucracy will allow the colleges to operate more efficiently and conduct business in ways that will benefit not only students, but taxpayers across the state.
W. Hubert Keen
FarmingdaleEditor's Note: The writer is president of Farmingdale State College.
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