Monday evening, Newsday, News 12 Long Island and Hofstra University will host the gubernatorial candidates in a debate. With seven candidates to quiz in 90 minutes, moderators won't have time for every question on the minds of Long Islanders. Newsday presents this forum today for readers to air some complaints and concerns.

Given the tremendous emotions surrounding the mosque planned to be built near Ground Zero, if you are elected governor what will you do? Do you support the building of this structure so close to Ground Zero?

Paul W. Coonelly

North Babylon

Will the newly elected governor have the same backbone as Arizona's Gov. Jan Brewer and, under states' rights, enact a similar anti-illegal immigrant law for New York?

Kacey McDonald


In view of all the state, county and school district retirements with public pensions, how will New York replace the lost income taxes when the retirees will no longer be taxed? Some of these people who accepted early retirement under Gov. David A. Paterson's plan are only 55, so we are talking long-range payouts to them. They pay no taxes on pensions.

In addition, how will the property taxes on Long Island support the future contributions to these funds if you enact a property tax cap? In my school district, the bill for the state Employee Retirement System grew $400,000 in one year alone.

Deirdre A. Herzog


We have had a rash of violence near an elementary school in Huntington, forcing its closure. That rash of violence was one of the reasons the Avalon Bay project was rejected, because it included cramming more low- to moderate-income housing into a district, causing more strain on an already strained district.

My wife and I currently have our daughter in Catholic school and are looking at options to move to a better district in the vicinity. We can't afford two Catholic school tuitions once my son starts school, while paying high property taxes.

If you were to become governor, would you be in favor of allowing parents the option of using their property tax dollars to send their children either to a better district or private school?

Nathan Kerr


Will any of you agree to sign a legally binding pledge, tonight, stating that you will immediately resign your governorship if and when you should ever break any of your campaign promises?

Richard Siegelman


Please tell me when the "new" restaurant will be built at Jones Beach. It has been six years now that I'm looking at a hole in the ground and watching it fill up during storms. Temporary carnival-like stands are set up on the boardwalk during special occasions.

William Ober


If elected governor, will you promise full disclosure of any future acquisition of World Series tickets?

Bob Buscavage


Long Island is the third most segregated suburban region in the country. That complicates issues such as how to rehabilitate 6,800 brownfields and provide access to fresh, affordable food in some neighborhoods. How will you prioritize helping out the communities that are typically characterized as low-income on Long Island and regionwide?

Many Long Islanders often believe we fund New York more than New York funds us. How will you ensure an equitable share of resources be distributed to Long Island?

Sarah Lansdale


Editor's note: The writer is the executive director of Sustainable Long Island.

What are you going to do about the egregious property taxes on Long Island? More young and old are fleeing the Island due to the tax rates. We pay about $1,000 a month.

Carolyn Hart

Kings Park

Why is it that with all the money Long Islanders pay in taxes each year, so little of that amount comes back to Long Island? More and more, the state decreases the amount of spending for schools, roads and many other services, but expects Long Islanders to pay more in property taxes.

How are you going to reduce the amount of property tax each Long Islander has to pay?

Frank Coppola


It is obvious to all that Albany needs reform, but only so much can be done via legislation with the current makeup of the legislative branches. Would you be in favor of a state constitutional convention to remake how Albany works? Why or why not?

David Chipurnoi


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