SUNY change should

hit only new students

I have two sons - a freshman and a junior - attending SUNY's University at Buffalo. Your recent editorial advocating Gov. David A. Paterson's tuition proposal ["Flexibility for SUNY," Editorial, Jan. 18], states it would let families make rational tuition plans. Well, what about me?

There has already been a tuition hike between my freshman son's first and second semesters, with set rate increases already in place. Under the proposed plan, I assume SUNY's four university centers will charge more than their colleges. If this were the case, my family certainly didn't have an opportunity to make a rational tuition plan. Perhaps with a heavy heart I would have encouraged my freshman son to go to SUNY College at New Paltz, or SUNY College at Oneonta, for they will surely charge less than Buffalo.

Any plan must grandfather in existing students, keeping tuition within the percentage raises we were informed of last year. Any tuition based on the Higher Education Price Index must start with incoming students.

Alan H. Kimbarow

SyossetMemo to Congress:

You work for me

I demand that I be given the same options that the White House and Congress have when it comes to selecting health care providers. I pay your salaries. You work for me. As your employer, I demand the same health care options as my workers (that means you).

Nancy McCaffrey

East MorichesLindsay responds

on Bodkin hire

In the interest of clarifying details , Chris Bodkin is replacing a staff member who left. With his 16 years of experience in local government, I am counting on the fact that Bodkin will prove invaluable to our work. He's been assigned to the critical job of reviewing the county's requests for proposals, to help us save taxpayer dollars and intergovernmental functions to help us coordinate those efforts with local municipalities. Overall since I took over in 2006, the presiding officer's staff salaries and expenses have decreased significantly. Hiring competent individuals like Chris Bodkin allows us to work efficiently and, in these tough times, do more with less.

William J. Lindsay

HolbrookEditor's Note: The writer is presiding officer of the Suffolk County Legislature.

GOP just says no

The GOP gets elected to Huntington's town board, and the first thing they say is "no," 18 times ["Councilman gives 18 nays," News, Jan. 17]. What a surprise, the Grand Obstructionist Party strikes again. No new ideas, just no.

Paul Pepe


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