Complete coverage: Couple wins $165M Mega Millions jackpot
A single Mega Millions ticket, sold in Rocky Point to Richard and Mary Morrison of Miller Place, was worth $165 million.
Lottery winners get big check amid debt questions
The Morrisons dispute a Suffolk claim that they owe taxpayers nearly $1 million for overcharges to the county for homeless shelters they once ran.
Miller Place neighbors sing praises of lottery winners
Suffolk wants nearly $1M from Mega Millions winners
A few more millions for the Morrisons
Mega Millions $162-million couple unveiled, reveal plans
Constitution Preamble inspires Richard Morrison
Mega Millions winners claim $162M prize, say officials
Advice from other lucky LIers for Mega Million winners

Lawyer alleges he represents winners of $162M Mega Millions jackpot
Rumors swirl, LI Mega Millions winner remains mystery
Mega Millions winner yet to come forward

Rocky Point store patrons eagerly await Mega Millions winner
Mega Millions winning ticket bought in Suffolk
Mega Millions jackpot up to $162M

Things to do now on LI Rock climbing? Indoor beach volleyball? Water parks? Arts and crafts? NewsdayTV's Elisa DiStefano and Newsday deputy lifestyle editor Meghan Giannotta have your look at ways to spend your winter break.