In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, an aerial...

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, an aerial photo shows the aftermath of a mudslide in Weiziping village of Luanzhen township on the outskirts of Chang'an district, Xi'an of northwestern China's Shaanxi Province on Saturday Aug. 12, 2023. The mudslide caused by torrential rains killed multiple people on the outskirts of Xi'an in western China, an official news agency said Saturday, while some trains in the northeast were canceled as a powerful storm lashed the region. Credit: AP/Zou Jingyi

BEIJING — The death toll from a mudslide triggered by heavy rain on the outskirts of the western Chinese city of Xi’an rose to 21 on Sunday and rescuers were still looking for six missing people, the government said.

The mudslide and a flash flood Friday evening also damaged a highway and knocked out power to 900 households, the Xi’an Emergency Management Bureau said on its social media account. It said rescue teams totaling 980 people with dogs were looking for the remaining missing people.

Parts of China suffer heavy rains and flooding every summer, but this year has been unusually severe in some areas, while other regions struggle with drought that is damaging crops. The government earlier reported 142 people were killed by flooding and landslides in July.

"Car fluff" is being deposited at Brookhaven landfill at a fast clip, but with little discussion. NewsdayTV's Virginia Huie and Newsday investigative reporter Paul LaRocco have the story. Credit: Newsday Staff

'Need to step up regulations and testing' "Car fluff" is being deposited at Brookhaven landfill at a fast clip, but with little discussion. NewsdayTV's Virginia Huie and Newsday investigative reporter Paul LaRocco have the story.

"Car fluff" is being deposited at Brookhaven landfill at a fast clip, but with little discussion. NewsdayTV's Virginia Huie and Newsday investigative reporter Paul LaRocco have the story. Credit: Newsday Staff

'Need to step up regulations and testing' "Car fluff" is being deposited at Brookhaven landfill at a fast clip, but with little discussion. NewsdayTV's Virginia Huie and Newsday investigative reporter Paul LaRocco have the story.


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