Seinfeld backs off comments on autism spectrum
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld has shied away from comments he made earlier this month suggesting he might be on the autism spectrum.
"[It was] 'Hey, an issue -- we can get this guy on something,' " Seinfeld, 60, told "Access Hollywood." "I don't have autism; I'm not on the spectrum," he said. "I just was watching this play about it and thought, 'Why am I relating? I related to it on some level.' That's all I was saying."
The Massapequa-raised Seinfeld had told "NBC Nightly News" on Nov. 6, "I think, on a very drawn-out scale, I think I'm on the [autism] spectrum," noting: "Basic social engagement is really a struggle. I'm very literal; when people talk to me and they use expressions; sometimes I don't know what they're saying." He added, "I don't see it as dysfunctional. I just think of it as an alternate mindset."
He told "Access Hollywood," "All the comedians that we've had on [my Web series] 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,' usually at some point in the show -- it doesn't usually get in the show -- I ask them, 'Do you have trouble talking to just regular people?' And they always say yes."
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