COMMERCIAL IMAGE - In this photograph taken by AP Images...

COMMERCIAL IMAGE - In this photograph taken by AP Images for WWE, WWE Champion CM Punk thanks the troops for their service during WWE�s 9th annual "Tribute To The Troops� holiday special at Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville, N.C., Sunday, Dec. 11, 2011. The show will air as a two-hour special on Tuesday, December 13 beginning at 9 p.m. ET on USA Network, and as a one-hour special on Saturday, December 17 beginning at 9 p.m. ET on NBC. (Jim R. Bounds/AP Images for WWE) Credit: AP

WWE Champion CM Punk has challenged Grammy Award winning singer Chris Brown “to put the gloves on” and fight him with all the money going to charity.

The war of words began in a heated exchange on Twitter Monday night before Raw aired when Punk tweeted, "I would like @chrisbrown fight somebody that can defend themselves," said Punk. “Me curb stomping that turd would be a #wrestlemania moment."

Punk did not divulge what encouraged him to send out the tweet on a subject stemming from Brown’s 2009 felony conviction for assaulting then-girlfriend Rihanna. Brown was sentenced to five years of probation. The former couple recently released two remixes together

Brown didn’t stay quiet for long and shot back with this tweet accusing Punk of using steroids. "@CMpunk needs more followers. He's such a leader! Not to mention the roids hes on has made it utterly impossible for him pleasure a women." The singer continued, "@CMpunk contact my assistant and I'll have em send u an autographed pic for my biggest FAN!!!"

This prompted Punk to post a video Tuesday night challenging Brown to a fight, which you can see here. The video has over 138,000 views as of 10:30 p.m. EST. Brown took notice and responded, “@cmpunk the video u just posted was cute! It's so funny how defensive u are.”

Brown used the hashtag “#Notnopunks” referencing his feud with Punk. The hashtag was a worldwide trend on Twitter for a decent part of Tuesday evening.

Following his match tonight against Daniel Bryan on Smackdown Tuesday night, Punk tweeted "#aintnowomanbeater." has a huge story on the feud, updating it with the latest tweets from Brown and Punk. The story was actually promoted above the rare live edition of Smackdown on the company's website.

It’s an interesting story that many media outlets in the mainstream media have picked up on -- TMZ, The Daily News, E! Online and others. It’s kind of hard to miss when you consider Brown has over eight million followers and the WWE Champion has over 660,000.

Newsday Live and Long Island LitFest present a conversation with the former senior advisor to President Clinton and co-anchor of “Good Morning America,” George Stephanopoulos, about his new book, “The Situation Room, The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis.” Host: NewsdayTV Anchor Jasmine Anderson

Newsday Live: A Chat with George Stephanopoulos Newsday Live and Long Island LitFest present a conversation with the former senior advisor to President Clinton and co-anchor of "Good Morning America."

Newsday Live and Long Island LitFest present a conversation with the former senior advisor to President Clinton and co-anchor of “Good Morning America,” George Stephanopoulos, about his new book, “The Situation Room, The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis.” Host: NewsdayTV Anchor Jasmine Anderson

Newsday Live: A Chat with George Stephanopoulos Newsday Live and Long Island LitFest present a conversation with the former senior advisor to President Clinton and co-anchor of "Good Morning America."


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