7 duplicate items you can probably declutter right now

We all have too much stuff and can end up with duplicates of common items, or we simply neglect to get rid of old things when we buy new ones. HOWIRE240815 Credit: TNS/Getty Images/Sanga Park
We all have too much stuff. When our closets, pantries and other spaces become overly cluttered, it's hard to keep track of what we already have. As a result, we can end up with duplicates of common items, or we simply neglect to get rid of old things when we buy new ones to replace them. Here are seven dupes to declutter without any regrets.
Jamie Andrieu and Hillary Forst, of Sorted & Styled, said many of their clients have closets so jam-packed they don't even know what they have. "Sometimes we'll notice four white button-down shirts or three pairs of the same exact jeans," Andrieu said.
Sometimes duplicates make sense. For example, if you find the perfect T-shirt, you could probably use it in two or three colors, but if you keep on purchasing new ones because you've forgotten about your old ones — it's time to edit your closet.
We all need towels but lots of us have too many. "Many homeowners like to refresh their bath towels every year, especially if they're white," Forst explained. "This becomes a problem when they don't purge the old ones. They end up with double or triple the amount of towels needed, making for a nightmare of a linen closet."
Andrieu and Forst typically recommends having two towels per family member and two extra sets for guests. Instead of tossing out old towels, try donating them to your local animal shelter. Old hand towels can also make good cleaning rags.
Sheets and duvets don't last forever. While most of us need two sets, having more than two per bed is unnecessary and can take over your linen closet. Recycle your extras or donate them to your local animal shelter.
Small appliances
Unless you're a professional chef you probably don't need multiple hand mixers or other small appliances. "Some of our clients have two or three different coffee makers because they have upgraded to a newer model and neglected to purge the old one," Andrieu explained. "Some clients like to hang on to the old one, just in case the new one breaks. We try to encourage them to let go of the old which will lead them to living a simpler life, with less clutter."
Baking supplies
Sometimes it makes sense to have multiple kitchen tools. Andrieu and Forst had a client who had two sets of measuring spoons and cups. However, she was a baker and would often cook two things at once. So this made sense for her. But if you only bake once or twice a year, you probably don't need multiple measuring tools, rolling pins, or similarly-shaped cake pans or cookie cutters.
Most people don't need more than a few coffee mugs. So why do you have 20? Many of us end up getting them as gifts or we get tempted at the store when we see a charming new set. But, in reality, you probably only have a small selection or rotation of mugs that actually get used. So, go ahead and throw out or donate your old mugs.
Beauty products
Is your bathroom littered with full bottles and nearly empty bottles of the same shampoo, conditioner and lotion? Turn the bottles upside down or cut them open and finish what you have before purchasing replacements. And be sure to also go through your makeup products and be realistic about what you actually use and what's just clutter — especially if it's way past its expiration date.