This photo released by the St. Joseph County Jail shows...

This photo released by the St. Joseph County Jail shows Notre Dame cornerback Devin Butler. Butler was jailed Saturday, Aug. 20, 2016, after a police officer said the player punched and slammed him to the ground outside a bar, Officers had to use a stun gun to subdue Butler in the altercation outside the Linebacker Lounge in South Bend, according to a probable cause affidavit. Credit: AP

INDIANAPOLIS — Notre Dame cornerback Devin Butler was jailed Saturday after a police officer said the player punched and slammed him to the ground outside a bar, and five teammates were arrested in a separate incident when a trooper found marijuana and a loaded handgun inside their car during a traffic stop.

Officers had to use a stun gun to subdue Butler in the altercation outside the Linebacker Lounge in South Bend, according to a probable cause affidavit.

South Bend police spokesman Lt. Joe Galea said that after officers broke up a fight inside the bar they saw two women fighting outside when Butler allegedly shoved one of the women. Butler was agitated and when officers told him to back away he allegedly pushed the officers and then attacked one of them.

The affidavit says Butler tackled an officer to the ground, punched him several times in the side and stomach and pulled off his duty belt. The St. Joseph County prosecutor’s office said Butler faced possible charges of resisting law enforcement and battery to a police officer, both felonies. Butler was being held at the county jail on $10,000 surety bond.

Prosecutor Kenneth P. Cotter said in a statement that he’s seeking court approval for additional time to investigate the case so that his office can “determine whether formal charges are appropriate.”

The five other players were arrested Friday night after Indiana State Police said a trooper stopped a car about 35 miles south of South Bend for speeding. The trooper detected the odor of marijuana and with the help of a drug-sniffing dog, he found the marijuana and handgun, police said.

The university confirmed that those arrested were: cornerback Ashton White, starting safety Max Redfield, wide receiver Kevin Stepherson Jr., linebacker Te’von Coney and Dexter Williams, who’s one of three running backs expected to play regularly for the Irish this season. All five were released.


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