Rosenhouse will play in U.S. Girls Championship
Michelle Rosenhouse of Dix Hills, who made news during the school season by shooting 29 during a nine-hole match for Half Hollow Hills West, will play in the U.S. Girls Junior Championship at the Country Club of North Carolina next week. She qualified for the U.S. Golf Association event by tying for first recently with a 74 at Brooklawn Country Club in Fairfield, Conn.
Rosenhouse tied for third at the Suffolk County high school championship in May and will play next year for Monmouth University in West Long Branch, N.J.
It has been a good stretch of golf for her family. Her father, Michael, this week made a hole-in-one on the 11th hole at Engineers Country Club, sinking a 6-iron from 169 yards.
The annual golf outing to benefit the Brian Hocker Trust will be July 19 at West Sayville Golf Course. Funds go for rehabilitation, equipment and transportation for Brian, a youngster who nearly drowned in an accident five years ago. Call 631-766-2019 . . . The Seventh Annual Golf Classic to benefit the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception will be Aug. 2 at Huntington Crescent Club. Honorees will be Msgr. Robert Emmet Fagan and Michael Sean Grant. Call 631-423-0483 ext. 102 or e-mail . . . Huntington Elks No. 1565 will hold the 33rd Annual Anthony Bifulco Golf Tournament Aug. 2 at Crab Meadow Golf Course, Northport. Call 631-261-9886. This year's tournament will be held in memory of Michael Corcoran.